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Brickfest Pix



So you always wondered what some of us looked like, didn't you? I have a few pictures.


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Kopaka's Ice Engineering, Omicron, Roa McToa, Dr. Who, Binkmeister


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Scary Omi!


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Another better pic of KIE, Omi, and Roa McToa


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One of the many excellent MOCs brought by Roa


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Birds-eye view of part of the rest of the exhibit


More pictures will be available here (after moderation).





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Wow! Awesome! That leg gun is so sweet! I can't wait to see the rest of the pics! Tat must have been fun! I also see Chocolate Frog's Piraka fusion Moc too!



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You make me, wish I had a time machine or a Vahi, so I could speed up time and see the pictures already. (I been looking at Brickshelf all day, searching for pictures of what happen at Brickfest, while reading Bionicle Legends #6: City of the Lost and The Lost World By: Michael Crichton.) Well, it looks like you all had fun there. It makes me, wish that I could have gone, but I couldn't. If I even do get to go, I may want to stay way from Omicron and his Lego gun. Well, I am off to wait for your Brickshelf to show the pictures, so bye. Edit: I just look at the other pictures and I must say those Mocs there were amazing. They put anything, I have build out of Lego to shame because how good they are. The one, I like the most was the Giant brown Rahi and its rider. It looked like person who made it has a lot of talent with using Lego to me. It makes me, sort of glad that I didn't send any my Mocs, since they are nothing compare to everyone else there. Thanks for sharing those pictures with us, sir. ~J.M.J.~

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I knew I shoulda taken pics from the seating area. :P



I did at BF06, great idea


Thanks for the pix Bink! I'll be checking those out momemtarily.


Oh, I started reading your message on Lugnet, about things learned at BF07, (including your hight in Lego bricks). You should totally post that here!


Once again, thanks for the pix, hope you get more sleep!



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