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My thoughts on BRAVE

Elrond of Rivendell


Well, this is a little late, but Brave is still in theaters, so I'll review it still.


The plot is one of the strangest plots I've ever seen for a princess movie. For a character that will probably join the endless ranks of princess-related items, Merida broke the steryotype. She didn't have the "find-prince-get-married" that is expected in so many of these movies. In fact, the plot relies on that. But more on that later.


The characters are well fleshed-out, though I thought that Merida's father could have had more screen time. He seems like the typical father, with the normal instincts for hunting, fighting, and just having a party with the other guys. I think he could have been less ordinary.


Merida's mother drove the plotline. She is the constant behind Merida, the one that pushes her to always be better than she is. Although she hates Merida's sloppiness, and constant tom-boyishness, she finally realizes in the end what's the most important thing.


Finally, comes merida. (Not you, Kraggh :P ) She broke every rule in the princess handbook. She slouched, fought, ran, and didn't comb her hair. Although she loves her parents, she feels misunderstood; something kids relate to. She wishes that she were a boy, or allowed to do what she wants. This breaks into the storyline, as Merida turns to witchcraft to change her fate. If you were to describe Merida in a word, it would be feminist.


In summary, Brave is not your ordinary princess movie. It's feminist, and although it does not disappoint as a Pixar movie, It falls short of other movies like UP, Monsters Inc. , and the Toy Story movies.




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Huh, I actually kinda loved this one actually. Personally I didn't think it fell short. If anything I think they could have worked the witch's curse into the story a bit better (she was too "hip old granny" to be a witch. I was expecting a Brothers Grimm type of witch myself).


It was a very odd plot, but I heard this was going to be a very Grimm-esque type of story. If you have ever read a single Brothers Grimm story, you'd probably think Brave is actually one of the more normal ones. XP


In short, I expected this movie to be dark, mysterious and enchanting going in (as I'm a classic Fairy Tale nerd), and this movie did not disappoint in the slightest.


You could call it a feminist movie, however I tend to disagree a bit on that. Merida's mother was in fact, a lady. She was not a villain at all, and she even remained sophisticated up until the very end (horseback riding is not unlady-like last I checked), however she does flesh out a bit to connect to her daughter. Their characters both showed how people can be different and still get along. It shows that our ties to our family is more important than our differences. It's quite inspiring, actually.


Also I'm so happy beyond words that there was no "Fall in love with prince, get married" mumbo jumbo. I honestly hate that in most movies (Though, some pull it off well, like Carl and Ellie in Up). This movie was finally different from that formula. Even older princesses like Jasmine in Aladdin (who was portrayed as independent and strong) caved in to some guy she just met a day ago. It really didn't mesh well with the story at all. =/ (Don't even get me started on Sleeping Beauty).


I find that romance is the weakest link with Fairy Tale movies (not the original stories, mind you, just the portrayal in movies). I was so happy they kept that to a minimum.

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Also I'm so happy beyond words that there was no "Fall in love with prince, get married" mumbo jumbo. I honestly hate that in most movies (Though, some pull it off well, like Carl and Ellie in Up). This movie was finally different from that formula. Even older princesses like Jasmine in Aladdin (who was portrayed as independent and strong) caved in to some guy she just met a day ago. It really didn't mesh well with the story at all. =/ (Don't even get me started on Sleeping Beauty).


I find that romance is the weakest link with Fairy Tale movies (not the original stories, mind you, just the portrayal in movies). I was so happy they kept that to a minimum.


I agree. Romance always seems to ruin a plotline, mostly because it has to be rushed.


As for the family values, I agree.


I actually liked the movie. I'm just playing the Simon Cowell here and pointing out everything wrong about the movie.



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