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MNOGII is so tedious, if it wasn't so awesome, I'd quit. I spent all of yesterday making a rigging. That's it. Now that I have my 60 widgets from selling it in Ta-Koro, though, I can finally progress.


...or I could levitate. Yeah, that seems more fun.




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I could never bother finishing MNOG II.


It's cool and all, but collecting 1500 Harakeke plants for one rigging? It's like they didn't even bother to think that people would have to actually collect the stuff. And the Kohli game controls are terrible.

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MNOGII was great in concept but somewhat poor in execution. And I'm referring both to the tediousness of item-harvesting and item-crafting and to the many glitches that make the game nigh-unplayable unless you know how to escape them. Overall, the addition of item-crafting was a great concept of how to expand on the "point and click" nature of the MNOG, but it wasn't carried out that well, and together with the need to hone your Kolhii skills, it made for a much more repetitive experience than the MNOG.

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