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"name The Reikia" Contest!

Roa McToa


Ok guys and gals! I promised it to you, now its time to run it!


The Reikia are pretty much finished, but the Le, Ko, and Ga Reikia are WIP, and going to eventually get the same head treatments as the others. Its all a matter of getting the right Knights Kingdom armor. Heres how the contest will work.


You can choose to name all 6 reikia, or just choose names for whichever ones you want to name. You may enter once, but you can edit your entry if you are not satisfied. The contest will run from today, April 3rd, until midnight May 31. That gives everyone plenty of time to think of names for these vicious creatures of darkness.


The entry format for the contest goes like this:










The X's indicate where you type the name. BE SURE TO WRITE THE TA GA LE PO ONU OR KO, OR I WON'T KNOW WHAT REIKIA YOU ARE NAMING! Please only enter once, as you are allowed to edit the names in your post. I will choose on June 1st from the names that I like best from everyones entries. If I see double entries, your newest entry will be deleted, and you will be sent a pm to edit your post. I like names that dont look impossible to pronounce, and I generally like 3 syllables or less, although I am open to all names! :)


The rewward you will get if you win, will be recognition for winning, and also a special peice of Trials of Terror art that you can either accept as an online image, or have mailed to you. Your Choice!


Here are links to pictures of the Reikia for reference. Just a reminder that the Ga Le and Ko Reikia WILL be changing as far as their heads, and I will improve on their body details. They were kind of "rushed together" right before my trip. Enjoy the contest, and good luck to all!














Recommended Comments

Ta= takahui

Ga= gatyahk

le= Letchara

Po= Potyika

Onu= Onuikaye

Ko= Kotof


Nice MOCS! Keep up the good work!


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Ta= garuhl (Ga-rule)

Ga= Tiomok (tee-oh-mock)

Le= I don't know

Po= Buko (boo-ko)

Onu= Harutahk (ha-roo-toc)

Ko= I don't know


They all rock out loud Roa! KUTGW!

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Onu - Hyxorokle

Po - Strokirixx

Ta - Flazerick

Ga - Blastarex

Le - Leraksenn

Ko - Kroonenk


Yeah i know, crazy names (the first looks hard to pronounce, but it is pronouncable)

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If I may make a suggestion that may help with the heads of the Le-, Ko- and Ga- Reikia, perhaps Karzon, Sir Jayko and Sir Santis armour (Respectively) might work?


Also, if we change our enteries, will you only choose from the revised, or would you also choose from the original?

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If I may make a suggestion that may help with the heads of the Le-, Ko- and Ga- Reikia, perhaps Karzon, Sir Jayko and Sir Santis armour (Respectively) might work?


Also, if we change our enteries, will you only choose from the revised, or would you also choose from the original?


All three going to get new armor and improved faces as soon as I can find some armor for a decent price. Those other colors are a little harder to come by in quantity.


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Guest Phyoohrii


Ta: Rakilan

Ga: Lopordahk

Le: Kabarzahk

Po: Pakalixii

Onu: Oolekarii

Ko: Isilinii

Great MOCs I have to say once again. ^_^


IPB Image

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I felt I needed to republish this contest for May.


The name suggestion so far are awesome! I already like a lot of what I see, and it will be a tough decision come time the end of the month.


Keep those names rolling in folks! I appreciate all the replies and feedback!

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Ta= Faerakh

Ga= Wailekhu

Le= Lemakhya

Po= Ahk'alah

Onu= Vaevokh

Ko= Sivernakh



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ta: Valta {cursed flame}

Ga: Gadika {water beast}

le: Leaka {ariel killer}

Ko: Kopir {ice thief}

onu: Voyonu {earth traveler}

Po: Poval {cursed stone}








piraka slayer :wakeup2:

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Ta - Bob

Le - Charlie

Onu - Mrs Sandwichton-Smythe

Ga - Uncle Jim

Po - Aunt Lucy

Ko - Harriet





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Ta- Dayzu

Ga- Bruta

Le- Zakura

Po- Yuukinak

Onu- Suvira

Ko- Raka


Dayzu, Bruta, and Suvira are names of MOCs I already have, I probably won't put them on here until my story about them and eight other Toa are done.

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Ta= Kastrakan {Kas-tra-kan}

Ga= Varlaxx{Var-lacks}

Le= Lestranis{Le-stran-ihs}

Po= Pivaristik{Pi-vuh-ris-tick}

Onu= Nupratak{Noo-pra-tack}

Ko= Kylvarthan{Kill-var-thahn}



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Ta= Caviglia

Ga= Hadrielas

Le= Serpintax

Po= Wendard

Onu= Gualdor

Ko= Labintok

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