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Am I too nice?

Jedi Master J.


As the title say, I am kind of curious if you guys think I am too nice. I asking mainly because I don't think I am. But then again, I don't generally think very highly of myself. *shrugs* So yeah, do you think I am too nice?


Alright, that's all for now. I'll probably be writing a follow up entry to this later. Thanks for taking the time to read this entry. I guess I'll see you all later when I done work today.



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There's no such thing as too nice. You have to be sure that your judgement is clear, though. I was a little astonished at how much you gave in gifts during the Steam sale compared to how much you acquired for yourself. But it's up to you to judge whether the recipients of those gifts deserve them, and as long as your generosity is sustainable (e.g. it doesn't bankrupt you), there's no problem with that at all. Just make sure that your niceness doesn't compromise your self-interest.

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It's impossible for there to be an objective cap on niceness, but like Lyichir said, you need to be sure you aren't compromising yourself to be nice to others.


(Seriously, though. Thanks so dang much for all you gave.)

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As the guy above said, make sure your judgement is clear. (not saying it isn't, just saying as in general to all people) But besides that, you can never be too nice. :)

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@Toa Onarax: Aw, thanks. Yeah, I guess you are right. This entry was more of respond to Xaeraz's "You're too nice for your own good" comment, so that's why I phrased it as such. Thanks for the comment.


@Lyichir: Well, I don't regret spent that much on others than myself, if that's what you are saying. And I have not bankrupt myself, so I guess I am good. I should clarified though that just because I did not buy a lot for myself during the Steam Sale, it does not mean I didn't do so because I brought all those gifts for others.


You see generally speaking when I shop for things for myself, I will be debating the purchase for hours. My family can attested that since I often do that in the LEGO aisle at local Toys"R"Us. So yeah, I am very indecisive when making purchases for myself.


Furthermore, when comes to PC games, I also have to keep in mind that I generally can not run a lot of new games like Portal 2 or Skyrim because my graphic card is not strong enough to support them. So yeah, I could of brought maybe Batman: Arkham City (Which I am probably getting on the Wii U anyway.) for myself. But would I be able to play it actually? Probably not.


So yeah, I think I am safe to say I have not compromise my self-interest. Thanks for the comment, Lyichir.


@Xaeraz: Well, I wasn't compromising myself by being nice to you guys, so I would say I am good then. And again, you are welcome, dude. I hope you enjoy those games. :) Oh, and thank you for the comment.


@Grant-Sud Rises: See my response to Lyichir. And thank you for comment, sir.


@Ddude the Insane: Yeah, that's understanding that I got from these comments. Thanks for the taking the time to comment, Ddude.




Thanks again to all that commented here. :)


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I don't think that you're too nice--I do think that you have the tendency to over-commit yourself and then guilt yourself over your your inability to complete all of your commitments.


I'd also disagree with all the people saying "You can't be too nice" simply because if you're allowing yourself to be taken advantage of (Which I don't think you are, by any great stretch) then you aren't being respectful to yourself--so to be fair it's not being 'too nice' it's simply not having the confidence to say no.


However to answer the question again: No, you're not too nice, you're a very generous person who seems to at times take on more than he can handle.



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@Janus: Yeah, I agreed with everything you say there about me over-committing myself a lot.


You also hit the nail on the head about what I meant about being too nice. Everyone else seem to be mistaken it for meaning there is a cap on niceness. *shrugs*


Thank you for answering my question and for leaving your comment. I greatly appreciated your feedback here.


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