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It's Been a While





It's funny to look back on this blog after being away from it for over a year. I read some of the things I was talking about, and it's funny to think where it's ended up. It's funny to think, but since my last blog entry:


1) I've bought my first home.

2) I've recieved my first promotion.


But neither of those would've been possible without the third thing: I met the love of my life, who motivated me to push myself harder than ever to get to where I am now. I've completed my first two half-marathons, gotten into better shape, and found a regular place for myself in a company softball team.


Most importantly: I'm getting married in Novemeber. The woman I met just a few days after my Jan 23rd blog post ended up being just the person I needed in my life. So I apologize for disappearing off the face of the Earth, and I hope that those of you who have been doing your best to stay in touch don't feel like I've left you behind. This forum was a big part of my life for a long time, and I'll always hold a spot for it in my heart.


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It's great to hear from you after all this time, and hey! Congrats on aaaaall of that. Sounds like things are really going well for you. :)

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Dude, congratulations on your successes! Glad to see you back--even if it's only for a short stay.



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Sorry for being late to the party, but CONGRATS on the wedding announcement. The Alliance continues to inspire me for my Bionicle Legacies series, and I still have fond memories of staying up impossibly late reading and catching up on it. Hope all is still going well, Torhu.



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