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There's barely enough in The Hobbit (book) to fill two movies, much less three. Really what on Earth is Jackson thinking? I know he wants to tell of Gandalf's adventures, and include stuff from the appendices in these movies, but if these stories are completely separate from Bilbo's journey... what's the point of including them in the Hobbit movie? I'm not opposed to more movies based off the Lord of the Rings mythology, but I'd rather have them tell a contained story.


Honestly, the more I read about the production of these movies the more skeptical I am. But I've been wrong before.



(And in a moment of irony, the Lord of the Rings theme pops up on the playlist as I read this.)


That's not irony


You are correct. Fair enough.

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:kaukau: It's a tale that grew in the telling. Makes perfect sense to me. Besides, in my experience, even short books tend to have more material than can fit into two films. if Peter Jackson feels his delivery will be more powerful if he goes an extra mile, I trust his storytelling guts and will wait patiently for 2014.



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It's a tale that grew in the telling. Makes perfect sense to me. Besides, in my experience, even short books tend to have more material than can fit into two films.


That's why an adaptation, well, adapts. It abridges, condenses, and changes the source for the new medium: a two-hour movie. Adding to the original certainly can be beneficial in some respects. But what's happening with The Hobbit (adding in subplots from the appendices of LOTR) detrimentally ignores the fact that Peter Jackson is making a movie, not an HBO TV series. It's running a huge risk of becoming greatly bloated with unrelated subplots.



Jackson had his chance to tell these bits of backstory in LOTR (where they were relevant), but he didn't. Now, he's making up for this in the prequel. It's bad form, from where I stand.

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I want so very much for these films to be good, because I love The Hobbit. I'm starting to get skeptical -three films just seems like too much-, but I'm still hoping for some truly excellent movies.

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Of course, it's obviously because they want to please the fans and not because they're trying to make more money than they would have gotten from just two films.


- Vorex

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