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Girl Power?



This phrase is reknown to almost everyone, be it one gender or the other.


But does it really exist?


I questioned this when a strange little activity occurred.


In the DJ club at poly, the girl population made up 5% of the club's total tally. The club had to split into several sub-groups, so orders were that each girl had to join each sub-group because it was conveniently placed that the number of sub-groups equalled the number of girl members.


I was put into Publicity - just as the aforementioned group needed to swing into high gear for the Clubs Week in a matter of... *counts* less than two weeks from now.


Guess who they chose as person-in-charge when they needed one to get plans and stuff done?


Why, you all are so clever! Alas, it was I, casually picked out because I was the only one with a feminine trait.


A particular feminine trait called girl power.



My twin reasoned that it could be the mental image or reputation women have to be decisive when it comes down to business, straight-forward and leader-like by gathering her members under her wing and pointing them in a direction and finally giving them the command to 'go'.


I reason that it's because I was more prominent, and already they could see that I had some quality (I don't know what it is, though).


And, well, the boys looked relieved that they were not given a leadership role.



Thing is, now I have a problem. I realised why they were relieved - I have half the group as slackers and the other half all too enthusiastic to give ideas, but not realise them.


It's time for girl power to kick in, and get the masculine species moving.




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Omi, I thought guys didn't like a leader-lady. I thought the word 'domineering' scares them off.


Dare I ask what's a Vortixx?



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Omi, I thought guys didn't like a leader-lady. I thought the word 'domineering' scares them off.


But then, I've also heard that we like a "Chalenge". No idea where that one got started though.

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I've seen those qualitites in both genders. Lack of motivation, procrastination, and laziness is universal.



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