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Watching Anime



Wow, I haven't blogged in a week. It's not that I've been busy; kinda the opposite really, haven't had much to do. Besides being jealous of everybody who went to BrickFair, but that's really not something fun to blog about. :P


But yeah, I guess I have been spending a lot of time sampling random Animes on the web. It started when I looked up some of the Marvel Animes, because I've been trying to watch Marvel stuff and decided to see what Japan did with them. The Iron Man and X Men versions were okay, but I really liked the Wolverine one they did. They did change up his character quite a bit, but I'm not a big Wolverine fan so I didn't mind. That whole show was just non-stop action, it seemed.


So I've been taking a look at some other animes. Some I only watched a few episodes of, and the only ones I've finished were only a season long. I started by watching some of the more comedic ones, then moved onto some sci-fi and fantasy ones. Some of them do capture the emotion of the characters very well, and some of them seem to just drone on endlessly. (Hint, those are the ones I didn't continue watching. :P )


As for names, well... Umisho was a funny and cute one, and it helped that I was watching it at the same time as the Olympics because it's about a swim team. I also liked High School of the Dead because, despite not being a fan of zombie themes, it did a really good job with the characters and the action. Even tho it seemed to have a hope theme with it, some of the other themes explored really creep me out because of how realistic they are. :lookaround: And I started following updates of a new one called Sword Art Online, which involves people getting trapped inside a virtual reality game, which is crazy cause I wrote a similiar story years ago! (Granted, I think I borrowed that idea from another show...) The first few eps were good, but since it's ongoing, I'm not yet sure if I like where it's going or not.


So yeah just a few of my thoughts based on the mindless web video viewing I've done lately. Oh, and BTW, this is not an invite to say what animes I should watch. :P


Also done some story writing still. Might go on a backpacking trip next week, even tho I'm horribly out of shape. Oh yeah and school starts in two weeks, y'know, right when summer weather starts back up. The three months of unemployment went fast!




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Just saying, the plural of anime is anime. :P


And so far, Sword Art Online is looking to be the best of this season's series.

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Just saying, the plural of anime is anime. :P

Japanese Animated Cartoons. Look, Plural. :P


Plus: Bionicles.



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But anime is a Japanese word, so Japanese grammar applies to it (somewhat).


"Japanese Animated Cartoons" is English, so English Grammar.


And then Bionicle is just some random word where the plural doesn't even matter (but still sounds dumb).



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I've really been wanting to watch that X-Men Anime.

But there are other Marvel cartoons out I'd rather watch right now.

Like Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Glad you've been getting into some new shows.

I'd love to suggest a few titles to you.



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