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Halo: Reach Achievement Weekend

Watashi Wa


I'm an achievement hunter. I like earning fake internet points in my video games. I mostly like adding games to my "100% Complete List" on my dashboard.


So, this weekend, I'd like to earn a few achievements that have been escaping me for a while now. I'd like to start off with Halo: Reach. Great game, tons of fun, a bunch of people have it. Would you like to join me?


You can add my gamertag: mrmobado.


I'll be online anytime between this Friday, 8/17 to Sunday, 8/19.


All of the achievements I need in this game are DLC specific. If you'd like to play with myself and whoever else joins (Kaleesh, Sonu), please have the Defiant Map Pack specifically. The other packs are fun and you should totally buy them too.


If you'd like to play, just comment on this entry and let me know. The more people the better. I'd at least like to have a full team so I can unlock that dern 1-Flag achievement.


You can totally earn some achievements too! I won't be a dictator over the party. If you want some achievements, we can help you out too.


Oh, and if you have Borderlands, I'd like to play that this weekend to. And kill Crawmerax. So be ready for a bad time.


Hey, just fyi, being the first person to comment in your own blog entry counts as a double post.-Nukaya


Well, now I know! Anywho, what I commented was this: Please note that this game is M-rated and your parents have to be totally cool with you playing this game.


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I'd likely end up shooting you in Halo... I always do... and I don't have high-speed so... moot point.


Sounds like a fun time though!

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Mentioned by gamertag in Watashi's blog?




I have all the achievements for reach, but I love helping people get them, especially halo ones. I'd be happy to help.


This is going to be a lot harder with the stupid August update though.



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I'd love to be a part.


Excellent. Just send me a friend request on Live soon. :)

Oh! Oh! Pick me!


Hmmm. Kaleesh, Sonu, and....T-Pain. :P I'll let you know when we all get on!

I like how you specifically mentioned UK and me, lol.


Would we be getting Anniversary Achievs too?


Certainly! We can start off with squad DLC and move to the specific Anniversary playlists at some point.

I'd likely end up shooting you in Halo... I always do... and I don't have high-speed so... moot point.


Sounds like a fun time though!


Bummer you can't play! Maybe some day.

Sounds like a good idea. I'll try to get on at some point.


Sweet! See you then.

Mentioned by gamertag in Watashi's blog?




I have all the achievements for reach, but I love helping people get them, especially halo ones. I'd be happy to help.


This is going to be a lot harder with the stupid August update though.




It'd be so much easier if they made an Achievement Hunting playlist. :P Also, we gotta finish Borderlands before 2 comes out!

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I might be on at some point, there's a few Defiant achievements I need and all of the Anniversary ones. Also, I haven't played in ages, so I'll probably be rubbish. To be fair I was rubbish when I was playing regularly. Ah well.


- Tilius

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I might be on at some point, there's a few Defiant achievements I need and all of the Anniversary ones. Also, I haven't played in ages, so I'll probably be rubbish. To be fair I was rubbish when I was playing regularly. Ah well.


- Tilius


That's alright. It's not all about winning. I'm mostly just looking to have a good time. I'll make up for any lacking skill. :P



Request sent!


Thanks! I added you.

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