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ToM Dracone


So titled because that's what the weather's been like at various points today. We've been having one of those annoying April snowstorms. And it was spring just yesterday, too. Hopefully it will be warm and green again next week...


Because then I have Spring Break! At last! Goals include finishing the current chapter of QfLD (unlikely, but if I really try I might make progress!), working on drawings I have going, finishing a short story, and perhaps entering BBC 42.


Other news includes that I've been rather busy of late and will be getting contacts by the end of the month. I'm both eager and slightly nervous at the same time – I mean, deliberately putting stuff in one's eyes can't possibly feel good, at least at first. ^_^; Oh, we've also been watching Les Choristes in French class, and it's a really good movie. I love the song Vois sur ton chemin...


Lowell: "I really want to be attacked by a squirrel. It's like a dream of mine."

Dr. Jones: " 'Single white male, sixteen...' "



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Eh... snow...


Ooo, contacts. Gonna change your eye color or just get clear? I remember thinking I needed contacts. But my eye doctor said no -- I'm near-sighted in my right eye and far-sighted in my left, so they even each other out. :P


Getting attacked by a squirrel, eh? That's a new one...

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Les Choristes! I love that movie too, especially the last one about a red balloon... at least I think it is.


But, I do wonder how winter and spring can alternate within a span less than a week. Do hope the weather decides to settle.



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