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Calling Collaborative Writers Looking for Work

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


A while back in a dazzling epiphany I got this idea for an epic, but alas I doubt very highly if I should have the time to write it. I'm busy with other, more important literary projects. However, if I find enough interested parties, I'm sure I could find the time to take it in shifts with them to write this.


In other words, I'm asking you, my adoring fans harsh critics gullible followers dear friends, if you would like to partake with me in telling a new tale.


Now, I admit it's not the most original idea, and stories akin to it have probably been done before. But I think it will be fun to write, and I think I have some pretty good twists up my sleeve. It's all about the peripeteia.



Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since Teridax's defeat, and the peoples of Spherus Magna have constructed a massive, sprawling city where all live in peace, harmony, and prosperity. The Council of Four leads the city wisely, and the Atero Eight with their forces guard the city from outside dangers and maintain order within.


But times have changed. Mata-Nui has not been seen since his disappearance, and the Great Beings have abandoned them. The Toa are a dying breed. The eight Toa guardians and the Turaga council are the only remnants of the species. Even then, the Council is under the thumb of the Atero Eight; the ruthless, arbitrary dictators of the city. Beneath the peace, harmony and prosperity, the people live in constant fear of their oppressors.


Spherus Magna's past has been long forgotten. The old legends are faded memories in the minds of only Atero's eldest, and even they question the validity of their remembrances. But when the time comes to stand up to the greatest challenge they have ever faced, from which not even the Atero Eight can protect them, they will need to look to old legends and rediscover ancient principles. And what one Matoran finds may just make him the greatest hero the universe has ever known. . . .


And there's your nutshell. I think there's potential. But potential "is all the same. It merely matters how you use it."


So if you might like to get in on this, if you would like to uplift your pencil alongside my own in battle, comment here or PM me. Once we have enough writers we can start discussing a few details and then getting writing pretty soon, I think.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith



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Basically what LL said. I've always wanted to do a big, collaborative novel, but right now my personal writing projects take priority, unfortunately. All the same I echo LL and wish you good luck!



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In answer to Aderia: Two, three, four, five as a limit, I think.


In response to both Legolover and Velox: I can entirely understand that. Thanks for the good fortune!


In response to AZ: Great. :) Glad to have you aboard.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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Ooh, I like the sound of where this story could- wait...


Pencil battles? I haven't pretended my pencil was a sword since, like, forever! I am sooo doing this! I STAB AT THEE WITH GRAPHITE! XP


But seriously, this sounds interesting. I'm not too sure how well the styles would mesh, but I've had some decent reviews from my epic. Heck, I need to start that thing back up...

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. . . That can't be right.


Okay, you're in. But I'll have to carefully analyze your style and skill level and insure that you're of a worthy level. Glad to have you! Don't make me regret it. Welcome to the team! >:K :D


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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. . . That can't be right.




(Also, one cannot "uplift" a pencil--unless they use very encouraging words.)


What I'm saying is: if you'd like an editor or something like that, I might be able to help. Other than that, I don't think this is really my sort of thing. :shrugs:

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I use archaicisms chiefly for comical effect and therefore was not trying to implement proper grammar. Moreover, uplift has a physical as well as a spiritual sense, though I admit it's a moderately unconventional way to use the word. Besides that, this is my web log. ;D Only I and other similarly annoying green people are allowed to sass me.


Seriously though, I appreciate the offer. However, I think that with five writers to watch out for mistakes, we'll get along fine. :) Thanks anyway.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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. . . That can't be right.


Okay, you're in. But I'll have to carefully analyze your style and skill level and insure that you're of a worthy level. Glad to have you! Don't make me regret it. Welcome to the team! >:K :biggrin:


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:


I take a flesh wound. D=


You know, I almost feel like you're sending me mixed signals... XP

Wahoo! Hmm... Should we have some sort of brainstorming meetings?



Only I and other similarly annoying green people are allowed to sass me.

Woot! That means I can sass you all I want! ^^

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