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a goose


Last night, I wasn't able to sleep. At all. Seriously, I'm working on exactly 0 hours of sleep right now.

The reason I couldn't sleep could be blamed on many things. It could be blamed on the breakup I had yesterday. It could be due to the fact that I just can't sleep anyway. But this time, it was different from all the others, because I actually watched my life go by.

I lay in my bed as fourteen years of suffering returned to me, day by day. I watched every day of my life since I was one year old on repeat. Every mistake, every time I got punched or kicked by a bully, every sunset. Allow me to tell you that living my life was nearly enough to send me over sanity's event horizon, nevermind reliving it. At around ten minutes to eight in the morning I finally gave up, and just went downstairs. That was half an hour ago.

I managed to realise one thing about my life: it hasn't been fun, or easy. Admittedly, yes, I got to see the good and the bad, but the latter showed up a heck of a lot more than the former.


Luckily, I now know that I just need to have a really :censored: day if I ever want to write my autobiography. :P


- Vorex


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Driven nearly insane by all the misery in his past, a man from Ireland seeks his revenge. Wearing a pair of black sunglasses, he heads out on the adventure of a lifetime. He's going to turn his day around, no matter the cost. It will be the best day he's ever had, or someone is going to pay.


Vorex Has a Bad Day: The Movie

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