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Wordsmiths, Assemble!

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


Tekulo, AZBlue and I will here be brainstorming ideas and discussing details for the upcoming epic we will be collaborating on. Therefore the comments included herein will contain spoilers. YE BE WARNED.







Team logo. What do you think? Huh? Huh?



Nothing Destined



I drifted across the sky at an easy pace. Now that I knew where I was going, getting there would be effortless, and there was no hurry. At last it came into view.

Two peaks rose high above it on either side. It was actually suspended between the two mountains, somehow engineered so that the orological rivers would run through the compound and dispense at its center in a rushing torrent, plunging for Kio into the canyon below. On impact it cast up a spray of mist that rose to veil the structure, rendering it all the more difficult to locate. It afforded the privacy the original tenants, the Great Beings, wanted; now it provided the same for its new tenants. It was a tectonic marvel strung up between natural wonders, but I wasn't here to sightsee.

Gaining entrance was easy. The breach in security that is the ventilation shaft is always ignored. Map in mind, I could have found the room I wanted in my sleep. This prison cell was occupied by a single stasis tube. I landed before it and swept a hand across the surface, admiring the indistinguishable mass within. After so long, the day I had been awaiting was imminent. And it all depended on nothing more than freeing this prisoner.

It wasn't the first time I had done it. Methods of imprisonment may vary, but a cage is always designed to keep what is inside it on the inside. All one ever has to do is get what is on the inside and bring it to the outside.

I opened the tube and stepped back out of the way before its contents could spill out on me. The substance oozed out onto the floor to collect in a pool. There was a slight ripple in its surface, and a voice echoed through the chamber, deep and resonant.

"What has happened?"

"You've been awakened." "They captured you bottled you up here, where you've been for the past few hendred millennia. But now I've freed you."

A form rose out of the puddle, a hulking mass that loomed over me. "And . . . why is that?"

I lifted my chin into his shapeless face. "You and I have a little business to discuss."

"What might that be?"

"Times have changed. This world is nothing like the one we knew."

"Times do not change. One world is like another. Only the people change."

I shrugged. "Then the people have changed. You've been sleeping, I've been hiding, and they've been forgetting. You and I have faded into myth, along with all the characters of the historical chronicles."

"What concern is that of mine?"

"You and I are in the same boat. We no longer exist. It is long overdue that we slip back into existence, raise a little Karzahni, and bring a few ghost stories to life."

"I exist. I am here, as you can see, before you. Why should I care whether the people of this world believe in me or not?"

"You are in a prison cell."

"Not for long."

"And you have me to thank for that."


"The world should know you and recognize you for what you are. All should bow at my feet. They should be inspired with fear at the mere hint of your name. They owe us a great debt, and you and I are to collect it."

There was no appreciation for my embellishments in the figure's tone when he responded, "What are you suggesting?"

I grinned, savoring the next word on my tongue. "Vengeance." I smacked my lips. "Such a luscious word. The infliction of punishment in return for a misjustice. A wrong for a wrong. The moment to take back what was once so rightfully"--I hesitated--"ours has come."

A pause. "I am . . . listening."

And I knew that was his oath of allegiance. As a matter of course, I answered his question. There was no urgency in our situation, not the slightest reason to be hasty, so I told him everything.

When I had finished, the chamber hung in silence. The silver figure before me nodded its head slowly, then rumbled, "Yes . . . yes. You will have my cooperation."

He put forth a hand. I ignored the gesture and added, "If the universe is to fear our names, of course, I will need to know yours."

The hand withdrew. "I have no name."

"Just satisfy my curiosity."

A pause. Then, "I am nothing. I am everything. I am destruction, I am death, I am destiny. I do not need a name."

"Very well. You may be as you wish."

Then there came an ear-splitting wailing, much later than I had expected. For a prison the security was surprisingly remiss.

"Why don't we properly thank your hosts, Nothing? After all, you have been living under their roof for a long, long, long time."

Humor was above his head, but I didn't care. I just rocked on my heels, waiting. The alarm continued its shrill call. Soon footsteps thumped in the corridor outside. When the thick door swung open and the Glatorian entered, my new companion swept toward them. Two lunged at me. I separated my body and the first stumbled between my particles. I swarmed over the other in a cloud. I left him no more than a heap of scrap armor and set upon the first. I felt his flesh disintegrate under the gnawing of every particle of my body, until every scrap had been consumed.

When the guards had been reduced to scattered remnants, the prisoner and I ambled out into the hall amidst the blaring siren, side by side, as if old friends. He regarded me with a new curiosity, as a Makuta regards one of their creations that has acted out of turn.

"Who are you?" the former captive inquired.

"Unlike you, I earned a name in the old universe. Most knew it, all feared it, few dared speak it. Now the time has come for the universe to learn that name again. Let it be known: I am Zaktan."




Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith



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Haha, it's fine by me either way. Hmm... I kinda like Arinax, though I still like Tezara (the-zah-rah, only I pronounce it a bit quickly).


As for how the game players are selected, I think there should be a few rules and restrictions due to the damages and fatalities caused last century (That's the last time TSO is allowed to play these games XP). The teams are six in number including the toa leader. three of these must be either matoran or agori. This represents Duty of the toa to protect. The other two members may be Glatorian, Vortix, Skakdi, Toa (if there are any left alive aside from the A8... I forget if we discussed that yet ^^'), etc. The two that are chosen, however, must be of differing species. This is to represent Unity. The overall objective and ultimate outcome is to show Destiny.


Or... something along those lines. The game itself is still pretty vague, so there's a bunch of room for suggestions and stuffs at this point.


Each member will be able to use one mask and one weapon of their choice (if they can use masks, that is). Elemental abilities do not count as a weapon. I'd assume the list contain, but not be limited to: melee weapons (axes, hammers, daggers, swords), projectiles (zamors filled with something that's not antidermis or EP, Kanoka, etc) and so on.


Now, how long do you think this game would last? A week? Half a day? Seeing as there are a total of eight teams playing simultaneously (unless you want to change it to a tournament), I'd assume the playing field itself would be massive and the game play would last a good deal of time. If it does last long enough, then the biological entrants would likely need to be supplied with rations.


I'd assume the sport outside of the A8 would consist of two to possibly three teams in a much smaller maze area and would last around the duration of a Kohli match.


That being said, should we have Karattru and Larche be players in the game? It doesn't necessarily need to be professionally, but it would be something to keep their bodies in fit condition for a PI. I'm sure it would come in handy in this crazy city. XD


In fact, it might be interesting if one of them were actually selected for the Toa's game. I'm mainly suggesting this for the reader's benefit though. I actually have doubts about that fitting into the actual story. =/


Though, as a PI, I think Karattru and Larche should be introduced to the story by looking for a missing person. I'm thinking of the guy who was arrested secretly after Lewa let him into the borders (in the Tearnu short story).


The main thing is, I'm really not liking the first person demographic for only a few characters. I might just have to write some chapters separate from the main story and title them "Tales of Matero" XP (I think I might actually do that. It'll probably help develop the characters as well for my chapters in the main story, not to mention explore the world a bit inside the city).


Ooh! My brain just came up with an idea! After the mental battle, let's have the three entities (or four if you count the mask. -five if you count MataNui in the mask-) separate from one another. Karattru, the victor is in top physical condition now a toa, but we don't reveal that right away. We have him see Zaktan (in poor physical condition and perhaps merged into a single solid body) and he immediately lunges for him. As he releases his fist, a thick iron coating accompanies it and WHAM! right in Zaktan's face! Afterwords, he looks at his reflection in... well, something shiny in the room/area and realizes he is now a toa. (You know, put that scenario in a more well-thought-out and elegant form of dialogue).


Though, personally, I'd prefer if we didn't try so hard to tie the point of view into one logical yet totally convoluted explanation. I'd be fine with jumping between Larche, Karattru and Zaktan (possibly a few other characters if they're key to the plot... whatever that is XD).


So, we have our villain, we have our accomplice and now we have an objective; absolute revenge. Let's establish their methodology. Terrorizing the place, as we've discussed previously, won't quite cut it. We need a goal for them to achieve and the method they use to grasp it (a deus ex machina weapon, a MacGuffin, etc) needs to cause some sort of upset in the world around them, otherwise our hero isn't going to be able to recognize that he is needed. We need Karattru and Larche to be motivated to stop whatever is going on.


Now I think a good way to tie our heroes and villains together would be when Zaktan breaks into the prison guarding the EP entity (if that's located in the city. If not, then Karattru would be focusing on the A8 instead as the big bad). He catches wind of the break-in and is hired or goes there upon his own free will to investigate. That's the first connection. Then, other mysteries surrounding Zaktan and the EP will thicken the plot. Perhaps the EP and Zaktan work together, experimenting on the locals to try and find something they need. A mutation that would alter a creature in a way to their liking, perhaps?


What if Zaktan and the EP try to cause disruption to lure the Great Beings out of hiding (as they were in the alternate universe Mazeka visited)? Though, even then I don't think they'd be much of a match for a Great Being...


Did you have anything in mind?


(You know, we've been going back-and-forth so much... I hope Blue can keep up. D= )

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Personally, I look at Tezara and see one letter difference from Tesara. XD And personally, I always hated Tridax's name. Really, Greg! But anyway, just a thought. :P


Okay, I like it. As for Toa, from the first my idea was that the Toa had died out but for the Atero Eight, now maybe Tahu, maybe one leader of an underground rebellion in the city. Anyway, those that weren't killed by Angonce's monster were probably murdered by the Atero Eight.


I like the simultaneous play. It makes it so much more chaotic and exciting. And that way it would be over faster; probably generally a week thing, but historically maybe there were instances of games lasting mere hours or a month or two. I like the volatility that suggests.


Karattru and Larche, I love it. On a Toa's team? I love it all the more, though I agree it doesn't quite fit. They're fighting these guys, not with them. XD It could be an interesting point for the story, though, having Karattru playing. But maybe just better if he was watching.


You're welcome to the Tales of Matero; I love the idea, and it will be a good sideline to develop the setting. I just don't want to complicate the main story by developing the world too much. It needs to be there, of course, and it needs to be explained; but it can be integrated simply enough with little complication or overabundant elaboration.


I wouldn't mind keeping Zaktan as a narrator. It would be a lot of fun, I think, to do that.


No, the prison was in the outside world somewhere, hidden away in secluded mountains. And anyway, one thing's missing from that introduction: the Mask of Life. That's our big connection between our heroes and villains, and I think that's where we should start. Say, as you proposed, they're on a search for a missing person; that ties into the Atero Eight. Maybe they find him, maybe they discover that the Toa are plotting to steal the Mask of Life, hidden somewhere beneath the city. That would help to thread them in; but maybe a bit too much. I like that the Atero Eight will tie into Zaktan and that Zaktan ties into the Mask, but I still think things should be a little less definitively connected; Karattru should be separately investigating the Atero Eight and the mask. So how do we get from missing person to underworld plot to steal the mask? Well, maybe that missing person had a little more business in this city than he was letting on.There, I like that.


No, I don't have anything in mind, and that's still our main problem. We don't quite have our teeth into a plot yet. We know what they're doing, but not what they're doing. XD If we're lucky Blue will pop in and give us something brilliant. If we're misfortunate, maybe we should find a time when we can all three put our heads together at the same time for the specific purpose of ironing out the wrinkles in the central plot core.


(Yeah, I know. At least we dropped the tags for him. Anyway, though, I was planning on writing up a recap anyway--I thought it would be helpful for all of us, and it will help to bring Blue up to date and get his opinions on all the stuff we've been debating.)


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


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Just looked up what Tesara was... I am disappoint. XD I finally manage to come up with a decent name and Greg already stole it by one letter. XP Hmm... I think I'll go with Aerix then. Arix just seemed a bit too short. XD


Alright, I'm fine with the A8 being the last toa. If we decide to nix Tahu, then we shouldn't have him be a turaga. All of those powers, man... They would be so confusing in Turaga form. XD I'd imagine he died of age, and perhaps the nuva energy in the main six has allowed them to live longer. Maybe before a toa died naturally, they would pass on their powers to matoran, which would in turn prolong the matoran's life force? Or maybe it has nothing to do with that and they're just a bunch of old coots who have established an entire city as their lawn. XP


I'm fine with keeping those stories separate, actually. Mixing them all together would turn this into Bionicle after 2007. We definitely don't want that jumbled mess.


Anyway, as for the plot, I do like the idea of the Mask of Life being somewhere inside the city or at least having our characters think that it's somewhere in the city. The mask's resting place would have to be elaborate and well guarded... Well, what better guards than eight toa overlords? They keep the city in line (or else), so searching the city would not go unnoticed. Also, that could just be level one of reaching the mask; after getting past the toa, there would be other issues as well. I think it would be interesting to have the toa's powers be deactivated at one point in the chamber/thingy to the mask. It might just keep the toa in their place, or so the Great Beings might think.


Still, if the mask is not in the city, then I wonder where it could be?


Let's say the visitor who gets captured in the city is researching ancient notes? What if those notes turn out to be a clue to the mask's location? Of course the language it's written in would likely be dead. If that's the case, then why show up in Le-Tero? (I'm using Tero in place of Koro for the time being. XP). Actually, I'd imagine that area would be forested; a place native mainly to Jungle and Air elementals. This is the region dealing with shipping (and their shipping icon is a picture of Hewkii and Macku in their matoran years holding hands. XP -I so want to make that canon, you have no idea. XD I'll make it work too-). I'd imagine they'd have airships and rahi/fauna such as large birds, insectoids, etc.


A river flows through there from Ga-Tero, which is right next to it supplying the plants, naturally, with water. Hmm... Maybe Ga-Tero consists of a lake of sorts that's elevated and over a cliff leading to Le-Tero there's a waterfall which leads to a river? Or, more likely, Le-Tero is just in a vegetated ravine/canyon... (I am totally thinking of UP right now. XD Adventure is out there!).


Anyway, I was thinking of Aerix being a sort of spiritual leader for the city. I imagine she would make herself glow and shimmer in the sunlight while she speaks. When she does this, she would wear her mask of Undeath (which sounds like a bit of a clever move; she's out in the open, which gives her a fail-safe for assassins). I'm not too sure what exactly she's doing in these sessions (to use your words. XD), but I like the idea of her being idolized by her sector in a sort of "goody-good good guy" in public. Kinda like Mom from Futurama or Father Cornello from Fullmetal Alchemist.


Now then, in the city I think there should also be an underground sort of society; black markets, gamblers, etc. I'd think Karattru and Larche would deal with them quite a bit in their work. Not necessarily work with them (or maybe work with some of them), but at least know who they are and have a sort of frienemy relationship. (Nemefriends? XP).


Well, I like the idea of chatting sometime to work this out. I have an AIM account that I haven't used in forever, but I can still access it if need be. Just let me know what medium you guys prefer if we decide to group-chat.


Also, a recap would be nice. It will definitely help when we get to writing.

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... Why Aybabtu? Why not Ilhok? XP (Kohli backwards. It is the most original name since the naming of the first name ever).


But is there any specific reason you like that name? I guess I'd be fine with it.

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At least the reasoning behind my name is better than yours. XD


Aybabtu: All Your Bases Are Belong To Us.


. . . We can think of something better than that if we want, but we can have our fun here and there in ways that work so well, can't we? XD


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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Somehow, I thought you'd be on board with it. XP And I doubt Blue will object.


I don't know; can biomechanical beings even die of old age? Maybe, after enough time passed . . . but that time would have to be more than 100,000 years. And haven't there been Agori and Glatorian--even more organic than Matoran--who survived for longer than that?


Somehow, I think that if the Atero Eight knew where the mask was, they would want to use it. You would think their leader would wear it as a badge of office; which is why I don't think they should know. I think it should be a secret deeper even than them; though certainly they were considered in the hiding, even if as unwitting guardians. As for the Mask's hiding place itself, yeah, we would probably be looking at a great opportunity for a little Indiana Jones action. XP Flying arrows, giant boulders, spinning saws . . . the decrepit guardian who can hardly lift a sword. We can easily have some (more original!) fun there. I'm not sure how the Toa losing their powers would fit. It just feels out of place. How would that have a place in the story?


Yeah, I like it. I want to say that he should be part of an underworld plot to steal the mask, but maybe I'm getting a little obsessed with all this corruption and evil. XP Okay, so say he's an archaeologist of sorts; the Atero Eight have him; the underworld kidnaps him to use his knowledge to locate the mask. Karattru and Larche follow. But when the criminals reach the mask's hiding place, it won't present itself to them; only to the pure of that. Excalibur-type thing, you know?


I'm much liking the idea of Atero being a combination of Metru- and Mata-Nui. A high-tech city mixed into all these natural surroundings . . . sounds like one of the most awesome things I've ever heard of.


I agree to the criminal underworld; haven't I already mentioned it more than once? Not only do we have the corrupt government, but also the corrupt criminal depths, not to mention the corrupt evil coming to try and make Great Beings of themselves. This is going to be fun.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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XD, I think that's actually one of the best names we've come up with here so far. XP


Anyway, I'd think they would die of old age eventually; if not their mechanical parts, then their biological parts. Not to mention things like rust and machinery breaking down over time (like how in a computer programs, over time, unravel, so you have to defrag them and whatnot). Not to mention the canon has never established how long a year is in the first place... =/


Let's just say a really really really long time has passed and stick a number over that, yeah? XP Though, we could just not reference minor character deaths in the first place if it's not relevant to the story. Though, it might be interesting if the city had some memorial gardens, statues or buildings about for the late Nuva/Tahu or other characters (possibly a really ancient one would be Matoro. Heck, maybe Matoro's story was what got the archeologist (I'mma call him Layton for the time being because I'm just that original... Plus I love that series. XD) into his/her line of work in the first place. After all, ever since the planet re-merged together, I'm sure that story would have been told. That's assuming the Glatorian and MU inhabitants all jolly-spoke stories 'round a night-fire at some point).


And yes, I like the idea of combining Mata and Metru Nui settings for the city as well. Maybe have the rock-heads in a cliff side and maybe even an underwater building or two for the others? We'll iron those ideas out in good time. (For whatever reason I keep picturing Matero to be a circle in shape... I think Fullmetal Alchemist is turning into a parasite in my mind. XD).


That being said, I think the mask was hidden and then the Order of Mata Nui/Great Beings/Super Special Awesome Organization dealt in making a village or settlement in that location which eventually became Matero. Matero doesn't necessarily have to have stayed one size during all of this time, so maybe they planned this from the beginning? After all, a town in the middle of nowhere sounds like as good as any hiding place for a mask if you ask me.


And I was for the "A8 are unwitting protectors of the mask." Though, if they did know about it, I don't think they would wear it... It kinda curses people... Plus seeing as the mask holds a Diety that frowns upon toa going against "Unity Duty Destiny" (the same toa who might just have a bit of killing or routine slaughter on the side), I don't think the mask would be too keen on making them their masters. More like pawns in chess if anything.


Also, on Voya Nui, the vegetation belt was a clue to the mask's location as that part of the island was the only part with abundant life. Should we do something like that this time around as well?


As for the underground society, I did not catch your hints earlier... Or maybe I did, but I didn't interpret them correctly. XD (I got the corrupted officials, corrupted police force, corrupted corruption and the corruption sprinkled with doom berries, though).


But let's not get carried away with tying everything together just yet. I doubt "street rats" would all be after the same mask. As for a black market, I actually like the idea of them possibly having found the mask in their greed, yet it had some unfortunate side effect or whatnot and it's a taboo to even speak of the mask there.


Kinda like "The Big Bad Leader flew too close to the sun and his wings melted." Granted, he was only like ten feet off the ground, but you get the picture. XD (They were made of cheap material).


So, underground/slums of the city; street rats, mafia brotherhood thingy, black market (me likes this idea), the selling of infected kohli rocks containing antidermis. I'm pretty much seeing a small spectrum of character types to work off of that idea (even some folks who just want to get by. They'd probably be taken advantage of by the mafia. "We give you widgets if you give us something in return" nutshell.


But I agree; this sounds fun. ^^

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