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New Member Title

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, thanks to some random hobo my good friend who is smart, beautiful, cunning, clever, wise, handsome (I mean, that's some hand), nice, kind, great... uh... (uses Thesaurus beyond this point) amusing, funny, waggish, witty, sharp, intelligent, scholarly, bookish, pedantic, obscure, vague, scatterbrained, careless, senseless, futile and all-around hopeless, I was given a free ticket to change my member title. ^^ (In an unrelated note, playing the telephone game via thesaurus in Word starting with the word "amusing" can be fun. XD).


A huuuge thanks again. ^^ I'm honored. (The thanks... IT'S TOO HUGE! GET THE TANKS! THE TANKS! D= )


So, I went with "Illusory Instigator" for a few different reasons. Illusory meaning "based on illusion" or "based on fantasy" and instigator being "a person who initiates a course of action," I decided it to mean something along the lines of "Someone who begins actions in a world of fantasy" or simply "someone who creates fictional stories" (it's a bit of a stretch, I know... Okay, maybe a large stretch).


Though, the other, more literal meaning of the phrase implies "A person who uses deceptive means to cause trouble."


I'd say that also fits me quite well in certain circumstances (ask Akano. He can vouch for this I'm sure. XD).


I also liked the alliteration. ^^


Anyway, here's the list of titles that, unfortunately, did not come to be:


The Surreal Forger (I didn't quite like the flow of the words together and "Forger" has a connotation of "a falsifier" or "someone who creates counterfeits." That didn't seem to mesh with what I was going for in the double-meaning).


The Rock that Killed Teridax with his Ninjutsu (It just seemed a bit too long, plus Nuile and Hahli Husky both agreed to retract the title if I chose something too silly. XD).


Super Mega King of Awesome (Though a fact, it would just seem like bragging. XP).


Kawaii Desu Plushie


The Duck in Ur BaSE


Cat; I'm a Kitty Cat


And I Dance Dance Dance and I Dance Dance Dance


I'm Firin' my BWAAAAAAAA!


This is an Original Title (You know... because everypony wants to be original).


Insert Title Here


Old Man Jenkins (Mainly to fit with my Blog Title, though I thought it was too goofy. XD. Kudos if you get the reference).


Hmm... That reminds me...




~Tekulo <3


Recommended Comments

I lost count of how many times you insulted me, and how many times you complimented me. Maybe I'll tally them just to be sure. But there was a thanks buried in their somewhere--in bold, I think--so you may consider yourself welcome.


Looking over your list . . . I definitely think you made the right choice. ;P


And I didn't realize you were a brony. *hoof-five* *or high-hoof* *or congenial collision of hooves* *or something like that*


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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