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On the recent hot topic that is aiming to spiral wildly out of control at a moment's notice.



If you claim to support equal rights based on one matrix, but then wish to deny them based on another, I don't think you should be allowed to claim you support equal rights at all.


On a similar note, you are not obligated to respect an opinion. You should probably respect the right to have an opinion, but you don't have to respect the opinion if it is inherently wrong, or lessens who you are.




I would usually end this entry with a joke blatantly flying in the face of what I just said, probably relating to shipping in Homestuck, but my head hurts too much right now to do so.


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"Well sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Here's the thing. Should we defend to the death the right for people to say incredibly hurtful things which demean other people and make them out to be lesser humans?

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I hadn't seen what the argument was about then. I usually look forward to most BZP wars by default, because they most don't have any substance to them.

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Ideally, I would like to hear both sides of the argument and see the issue from their point of view. I don't think there should be an overall "all opinions are good / bad" mentality because it changes depending on the situation / circumstance. Or it could be along the lines of "I have an opposing view to you, but I'll agree to disagree, not try to force my opinion on you, and if I don't have anything productive to say, I won't say anything at all."


This, of course, stemming from the discussion of opinions and my ignorance of what the real argument is here. :P



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<p class='citation'>VIII. Axel, on Sep 17 2012 - 05:00 PM, said:</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'><strong class='bbc'>"Well sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."</strong>


Here's the thing. Should we defend to the death the right for people to say incredibly hurtful things which demean other people and make them out to be lesser humans?

Yes and no. I'm supporting you all the way, let's make that clear. I want you to be happy. I don't support offensive or intolerant speech, or anything that discriminates against anybody. You need to be the happiest you that you can be.


But it's also gotten to the point where even having a different opinion on the matter (and not even in this instance, just in general) is cut off at the start. I want everybody to be able to express different opinions. If an opinion is unpopular, well, okay, fine. As long as you aren't condemning anybody else for having the other opinion, then you should be allowed to express what you will.


It's fine not to tolerate intolerance, but people should learn to recognize what's intolerance and what's simply a difference of opinion.


Edit: Or what xccj said because I totally didn't see his post.

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It's fine not to tolerate intolerance, but people should learn to recognize what's intolerance and what's simply a difference of opinion.

And the recent flareup, I want to make this very clear, is intolerance. When you tell someone they are wrong because of a basic part of who they are, something they have no control over- that is not a "difference of opinion", it is intolerance.

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