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The Longest Word



I only know two words that may qualify as the longest English word.


Antidisestablishmentarianism - no brainer. Most of us knew this. Opposition to the belief of a state church is the meaning, I think. It had to do with a church and opposition, that's what I know. 28 letters. (Nukora: Disesstablishmentarianism is the seperation of church and state I thought, making "antidis" the oposition of the seperation of church and state. *shrug*)

I think he got it.


Floccinaucinihilipilification - a brainer, and it's so tough to say. For all the hassle, it only means 'equating something as worthless', by sticking a lot of Latin words that mean 'worthless' together (ToM, is this true?). 29 letters.



And that's it. Looking for a word that hits the big 3-0 or longer.


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Something rings wrong with your definintion of anitidisestablishmentarianism. Disesstablishmentarianism is the seperation of church and state I thought, making "antidis" the oposition of the seperation of church and state. *shrug*
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Nu, I knew it was something like that. Now I know. *edit*


Omi, if it existed in the dictionary (Webster or Oxford), I'll take it.


KIE... where on earth did that word come from?! :lol: Could be misspelt, but I'll look it up. ;) Thanks!



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Yeah, that flo-something word I have heard is the longest word. There's also some word that's really long that means something like "unessesarily long words" or something. I dunno, I saw it in the Wikipedia article on longest words. And we know how reliable that thing can be at times... :D


Anyway, nice brainy post.



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I knew you were going to say that, Omi. Word for word.



We know how reliable Wiki is. :lol: I think I'll give it a swing, though.



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Omi: Like a dictionary, actually.


CK: Another one... does it exist in a dictionary?



Maybe... :P


Here's one then: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia


Hope you don't have this. :P



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Antidisestablishmentarianism is indeed the opposition to the separation of church and state, and every Latin root in floccinaucinihilipilification means "trifle," except for nihil, which means nothing. :D


Yay for long words. ^_^

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CK: Oooo... that may exist in the new world dictionary. I've looked up the Wiki article, the word was there, but who knows how accurate that could be?


ToM, whoo! :D Yay for long words!


Omi, ain't that predictable? :rolleyes: :lol: (Simultaneous emoticons!)



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Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words, and in my opinion whoever made up the word is both cruel and just stuck a bunch of words in front of "sesquipedaliophobia," which alone could mean "fear of long words." In front of that are, truncated, hippopotamos (which, for the record, means "river horse") and monstrum, "a monster". :P


So I guess hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of monstrously long words the size of a hippopotamos. Or something to that effect.

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If you want to get into a bottomless pit from which none return, some molecules can get rediculously long names that no one ever uses but are technically there, being really really long because you're naming every single bit and piece of some rediculously huge molecule. Those can go on for thousands upon thousands of letters and it'll bring you nothing In fact, pretty much all the time you do that it's because you're planning on using the method used for naming and describing molecules to create arbitrarily long words for things that may or may not actually exist.


So therefore, KIE, it's Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. No. I did not know how to spell it off the top of my head. I don't even feel like pronouncing it today.


I never personally bought that the whole hippopatmos-whatever-phobia was anything but a joke. Kinda "haha, look, it's a long word that means the fear of long words! hahaha!", especially since it makes no sense, even to folks who don't know Latin (like myself). YES! RIVER HORSE MONSTERS! THEY ARE AFTER YOU WITH LONG WORDS!

There's a notion to terrify.


Yeah, good times man.

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LMK and ToM, thy words ring true. Someone who made the word must have had something against hippos.


Good to hear from you again, LMK. And if you tried to pronounce that word, I'd be sure you ate some golden sugar and went over your head.



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