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Novelmber Notes Day #1: Society (Classes and Cities)



SO. In preparation for novel month, I'm going to write up some notes about the universe, plot, characters, and such every time I have any. Today we deal with the society of cities and class.

  • HUGE rich/poor gap. We're talking mansions vs capsule apartments here.
  • Rich people don't live in the city. They don't live next to the city. If you're rich enough, you live in the middle of nowhere.
  • Cops are entitled to use deadly force at all times, for any crimes.
  • Civil services (fire dpt./police/medical/waste), armed forces, government, and intercontinental trade are the only profitable professions.
  • If you are born in the city, you are going to die in the city.
  • Personal transportation does not exist in cities, only public.
  • What is air cleanliness, and why would we want more of it?
  • Safety measures are for the weak. We don't have those if you don't make enough money to literally buy a person.


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What is air cleanliness, and why would we want more of it?

*cough cough*




(If it wasn't apparent before, I'm an environmentalist)

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What is air cleanliness, and why would we want more of it?

*cough cough*




(If it wasn't apparent before, I'm an environmentalist)


This society isn't. =P


They also don't care about food sanitation in the realm of mass production and factory farms. Only wealthy and important people get good, clean food that doesn't give you terrible diseases.

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I just really hope this doesn't devolve into that "hey that guy has more money than me so he's evil" trope but I haven't seen much yet so I could wrong. You could be writing a philosophical fictional novel that would make Aristotle look like Patrick Star.

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I just really hope this doesn't devolve into that "hey that guy has more money than me so he's evil" trope but I haven't seen much yet so I could wrong. You could be writing a philosophical fictional novel that would make Aristotle look like Patrick Star.

Aaaaaaactually, it's about a cop taking a robbery case way too far and winding up uncovering deep set political corruption as a way of inventing time travel to ruin the timeline. Maybe.

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Felix Dzerzhinsky, on , said:


I just really hope this doesn't devolve into that "hey that guy has more money than me so he's evil" trope but I haven't seen much yet so I could wrong. You could be writing a philosophical fictional novel that would make Aristotle look like Patrick Star.

Aaaaaaactually, it's about a cop taking a robbery case way too far and winding up uncovering deep set political corruption as a way of inventing time travel to ruin the timeline. Maybe.



Aha! I have made you reveal more of your story, hahahahahahahah! In all seriousness that actually sounds interesting hopefully it will sense in context.

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Aha! I have made you reveal more of your story, hahahahahahahah! In all seriousness that actually sounds interesting hopefully it will sense in context.


Man, as soon as you throw time travel into an alternate history cop drama, all sense flies out the window.

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