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Project: Room Re-Organization. Complete.



So not sure if I've mentioned this before but I'm going to Community College for two years before transferring somewhere else so I can save money.


Point is, I realized that I really needed to reorganize my room to do homework and whatnot, as previously I didn't even have a desk in my room (my computer desk was in the Family Room, which is where I did everything). I also needed more bookshelves, a place to read, and decorations. So over the summer I moved that desk into my room, rearranged my bookshelves, got a loft bed instead of a bunk bed so I could use the space under it (and created a "Reading Corner"), actually decorated my walls since they were mostly bare before, etc.


The project has been done for a while mostly, but this past week I finally got the last thing I needed: a chair/ottoman for my "reading corner". (actually, I still need a new clip-on fan, because the one I have by my bed is broken, but that's nothing major)


So, without further ado, the room:


From the door:



"Classical Detective Novels" bookshelf, featuring my Sherlock Holmes collection (with Lego minifig!) on top as well as my collection of Agatha Christie, Ed Mcbain, and Dorothy Sayers, among a few others:



Back of door/closet door:



Bookshelf containing my small collection of Poetry, my Classics, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and the beginning of my main book collection, as well as a few religious books and comic books on the bottom, with some SS collections on top:

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Underneath the bed; Reading Corner, continuation of my main book collection:

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Tall bookshelf with some religious things on top; end of book collection:

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Dresser area, with a freehand-drawn PotC symbol done by my sister and Hobbit/LOTR showcase, prom picture, Les Mis poster (gonna put a movie poster right next to it when it comes out), etc.:



Desk area:

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(also featuring an awesome drawing by Kakaru of Velox under a drawing of my brother and I like 10 years ago done on the streets of San Francisco)


And Gallery.


So there you have it: where I spend most of my time. I'm really quite happy with it. It's awesome having all my school stuff, my computer, and my desk in my room, and I absolutely love having my "Reading Corner" where I can just sit for hours and read, study, do homework, etc. And of course all of my posters, all of which (with the exception of the American one) were purchased over the summer.


~ Velox


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Three things caught my eye: the posters, the books, and the walls. And that fantastic picture that someone drew for you. :3


Well I mean A Monster Calls is an excellent book and also I am jealous of your room setup because mine is nowhere near as cool as that :c


Also my head hurts from trying to piece together the spatial relationships between all your furniture and the apparent six walls of your room and eight doors and at least four desks.


And two bookshelves.


Oh and I can't believe you still have Velox built, but then I guess you kind of gave up on MOCing after that then, didn't you.

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:kaukau: I got a loft in my new dorm room for very similar reasons. However, unlike you, I don't tend to adorn my walls with posters. The one I do have at the moment (which isn't on the wall and probably won't be for a while) is that Merida poster I mentioned in a summer blog entry. Otherwise, I'm happy with my Periodic Table of the Elements and my Coast Guard Academy flag that a friend gave me (he's currently a senior there). I'm a bit disappointed that you would stoop so low as to hang up a Hunger Games poster. Why not something more trendy, like Paradise Lost or sheet music by Beethoveen?


However, I love your Les Mis poster and everything in that area. You should definitely put up more freehand drawings. Then again, that's just me an my taste, considering that my drawings decorate the walls of various patrons who commissioned me and some of my personal art will some day decorate my future house.



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I wholeheartedly approve of the Sherlock poster/print. Not that the others are bad, that's just a particular favorite.

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When I get to set up my half of my college dorm, I'm totally modeling it after your room. Les Mis, spinny chair and all.

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Crummy pictures, man.


I can't read all of the titles on the spines.


Honestly now, do you ever bother leaving a room like that? XD That's awesome. I want that reading chair. And all the bookshelves. Yes, especially the bookshelves.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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@ Micah ~ Haha, nope, only four walls, two doors (one's a closet), one desk, and 5 bookshelves. But yeah, Velox was the last thing I built, and none of his pieces came from any of my favorite sets, so I just decided to leave him built. But thanks, man -- yes, that picture you drew is awesome, and so is AMC.


@ Kraggh ~ Eh, I actually kinda liked the Hunger Games. Not my favorite, and not the best, but my sister bought me the poster (along with the TDKR one), and since I did enjoy it, I figured I'd put it up. I do intend to replace it at some point, though. My brother actually has an image of the Cologne Cathedral made up of Gregorian Chant notes that I want to put up, but I'll need to find that first and see if it's still in good shape. I'd love to put up more drawings and artwork, but unfortunately I have no skill as an artist, and my sister (who drew the PotC picture) is currently in Chicago getting a PhD and doesn't really have time to draw me anything else. When I get a house, I definitely want to get a painting of Nighthawks, by Edward Hopper, among other things. But right now I'm satisfied with my PotC symbol, the drawing of Velox by Kakaru, the drawing of my brother and I, and the four framed photographs that my brother took. We'll see what I get in the future, though.


@ GSR ~ Haha, yeah, I can relate. It's definitely one of my favorites, but I have a hard time choosing which, exactly, is my ultimate favorite haha.


@ Grant-Sud ~ Yep! It's the...'05 or '06 one, I think. I really like it.


@ Aimee ~ Yesss, Les Mis-ify your room!! Can't wait to get the movie poster whenever it comes out. And my chair is definitely one of my favorite parts about my room -- it makes it so much easier to just sit and read/study/etc.


@ Nuile ~ Haha, I know, not sure what was up with my camera. Usually it takes pretty good pictures, and it was fairly bright that day, but I ended up needing the flash anyway. =/ Maybe I'll make a list of my ever-growing book collection sometime. =P But yeah, I definitely end up spending most of my time here...it's hard to leave. XD

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