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Spoilers Delivered Straight To Your Home



The Twins got absolutely stomped by the Yankees today. And of all the times to have it happen, it was while the game was being broadcast on ESPN. *shudders* So I was left with nothing to do except watch 24 and write up this blog entry.


Saw Super Paper Mario at the Target here in Kato, but passed on picking it up because my reserved copy at Gamestop arrives tomorrow. Though recent developements have left me questioning my loyalties to the store. At first it was getting the occasional call reminding me I had purchased a game from them (Twilight Princess six months ago). They asked if I wanted to sell it back. I was mostly bothered because I figured if I wanted to sell it, I'd sell it.


Now it turns out Gamestop is showing the endings of games during their in store promo videos. Sound a little odd to you? Promote the purchase of a game by showing you the thing you're working for? Oddly enough, the game of choice was Twilight Princess. (What is it about TP that this store has it out for people who bought it).


The next logical step, of course, is to combine the whole thing into one streamlined process. That is, once you buy the game you've got a month to beat it. At that time they'll call you up and invite you to sell it back. If you decline they'll tell you the ending, thus negating any reason you'd have to continue playing it.


I like Gamestop. They usually have what I'm looking for, and the people there seem nice enough. I've been going in the same store for four years, so I'd like to think the initial salesmanship angle has since worn to genuine interest in conversing with me. But if stuff like this keeps going on, I'll take off and just go back to buying games at the "regular" stores. Gamestop only guarantees you the game if you reserve it. After that it's no different than any other store. And most of the titles I want are the ones that'll be easy to come by anyway (the aforementioned Super Paper Mario being the prime example).


I move out of my apartment and into a new one in Eagan at the end of May. At that time I'll essentially be "leaving" the current Gamestop. That may be the time when I decide to just jump ship and go back to the old ways. If a game ending gets ruined for me before hand, it'll pretty much seal the transition.


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Just don't tell me the ending of TP. :P How exactly do they go about doing that? Does someone play the game and get to the end or something? I would imagine that they might have SOME kind of video showing the ending, and I don't think Nintendo would just ship out videos of the endings.


:h: :t:

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The Gamestop people make edit their own videos somehow. I don't know if its at the corporate level or by the store.


And when it comes to giving them your number, it's the only way to really keep track of when a reserved game comes out. It's part of the reason I'm thinking of not going there anymore.


And Omi, I hope the Twins can at least split the season series (or go 4-3/3-4 this year). Last year they were pretty much equals (right down to the first round playoff elimination) ;)

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