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Garreg Mach

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There is a Big Problem here



>Left 4 Dead 2 is free this weekend

>Two friends and I want to play a co-op game together

>Left 4 Dead 2 is free this weekend

>None of us own it

>One has lag

>One refuses to play

>Same guy lags profusely when playing TF2

>Same guy plays TF2 at least twice a week




>iBrow fails to understand this logic


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... Say what? Free? *Is intrigued suddenly*


/EDIT: Okay, this'll be interesting. I guess I'll be killing zombies this weekend. One problem. It's 13 gigs. This is gonna take forever to download... If you pause a download then exit Steam, will it resume from that spot the next time you unpause it, if the computer is shut down as well? There's no way I'll be able to leave it on to run all night...

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... Say what? Free? *Is intrigued suddenly*


/EDIT: Okay, this'll be interesting. I guess I'll be killing zombies this weekend. One problem. It's 13 gigs. This is gonna take forever to download... If you pause a download then exit Steam, will it resume from that spot the next time you unpause it, if the computer is shut down as well? There's no way I'll be able to leave it on to run all night...


Yes, you can pause the download/close Steam/shut down your computer and the download progress will remain the same

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That sounds good, then. Thanks Haz. =D


iBrow: I'd be up for some Co-op, then, if I can get the hang of stuff quick enough, so I don't get mauled in the first minute of play each time. xD Should be fine, considering how many Valve games I've played already, but you never know, especially in limited ammo games. =P

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Well, be on Steam Friday night then. The BIONICLE Hero and I will be playing; no reason you can't too.


Now to see if there's one more person who'll be a noob in L4D2 that can play with us....

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Hmm, what time Friday night? I might be able to pull off a little bit if it's past 6; but past 9 is a no-go for me, unfortunately. My computer's in a room right next to two bedrooms, neither of which are mine, and the faint noise of the keyboard can keep people up, apparently. =/ Sometimes I can go longer, but we'll see. I'll try my best to be on. xD

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