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So Today



Got to dentist somewhere close to 9 this morning, they brought me to the back and then jabbed a needle in my arm and left it there.

Then after about 5 minutes they hooked other stuff up to me.

Don't remember what happened after that.

I think I woke up in the chair and they brought me to another room with some lady who was just sitting there. I think I asked her if she heard about "the storm up north". :P

Went home.

Felling fine. B) (well at least I am right now)




Episode Title: Magic Duel

Air Date: December 1st 2012

Synopsis: When Trixie returns to Ponyville, she defeats Twilight and banishes her from town.






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I still think you might be hard on this season, but on this one I have to agree.



The whole Trixie-coming-back deal has been done countless times in fanfictions, ranging from bad to terrible to shipping. Combine that with the fact that I don't like Trixie's character to begin with, I don't start off with high hopes for the episode.


On the bright side, it might be great character-building for Twilight. We'll see.

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I don't see what's such a problem with Trixie coming back. It's been a whole season since her last appearance, and there's no reason to think she ever left less of an impression on the writers than she did on the fans.



I see no reason to think it's going to just be a lot of pandering. The episode summary doesn't give us a lot to go on, but it sounds like there's definitely the potential for an episode as creative as the previous episodes.


Certainly it won't be completely fanon-driven, since the writers for most franchises (ESPECIALLY those with big corporate rightsholders like LEGO and Hasbro) prohibit themselves from reading fan-fiction related to the franchise, which could be a liability if an idea they explore in an episode should happen to bear resemblance to an idea explored in a fanfic they read. It's not just something a few authors do-- it's common practice in the industry.


And while this doesn't mean the writers will be completely oblivious to the various ways fanon depicts the characters, it does mean that the story they tell will be uniquely their own creation and held to the same standard of quality as the stories they tell with the Mane Six and other central characters.

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