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It feels like...



2 friends are shunning me now, just for a stupid comment I made last night. That comment, which affected them in NO WAY POSSIBLE.


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That comment, which affected them in NO WAY POSSIBLE.


I know I said I was done, but this bit just can't be ignored.


No. It doesn't work that way. At all.


Just because a form of irrational hatred and discrimination does not directly relate to a certain person does not mean it has no affect on them. For most people who are advanced enough to get that type of bigotry out of their system, and who recognize the horrible negative effects and implications of its very existence, seeing it practiced in such a blatant, unapologetic manner (and especially from someone they have long considered a good friend) has a very profound affect on them. They find it hard to respect someone who has an attitude like that, and even harder to continue associating with them, no matter how depressed it makes them or how different they wish things could be. Especially when the other person makes no effort to legitimately right the situation, but instead attempts to justify their attitude while attacking and making fun of them for being too "oversensitive" or not being able to "handle their opinion".

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If I see another passive-aggressive blog entry or comment about this, I will be taking action myself. Makaru warned you both in Mat's previous blog entry and you seemed to understand him there? You guys need to either work it out in private or stop posting blog entries and comments about it. Thank you.

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Hey, Im not the one that retaliated on here. I was just complaining, I would work it out off site, but he's shut me out internet wide.

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you made the first blog entry about it (which you appear to have edited to be less harsh, but w/e). it was a mistake on my part to post a response (although it was intended as more or less a general observation), but given the circumstances I wasn't exactly in the proper frame of mind. either way, I shouldn't have done that, and I apologize once again for the trouble.


honestly, I've not been shunning you so much as the initial.. disappointment, I guess, has made it very difficult to talk to you and I've been hesitant. but send me a message tomorrow evening and we'll talk in private. I regret allowing it to get dragged onto here and I'm not going to let it go any further.


one last thing though - it's she.

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I too regret dragging it onto here as well, I'm as much to blame as well. And I'll PM you tomorrow, if I have time before night class. I apologize for what has happened here, and it will hopefully get sorted out soon. I'll end this here by locking the entry. Good night everyone.

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