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Hypothetical, completely unrealistic writing question



So, hypothetically, if I had a 20k word story sitting completed save revision, would it be better posted as a short epic than as a very long short story? And hypothetically if I made it an epic, would ~7k long chapters work, do you think?


Purely hypothetical question, you understand.


Also: If I hypothetically wanted someone to read over this hypothetical story to give some feedback, would anyone be interested? Alright, I've got three pairs of eyes on this from this blog entry alone, so I think I'm good for the moment. :P


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Honestly I'd go with an epic too. With chapters people have reasons to review certain sections and be in anticipation of what's happening next.


Also, for the second question, I'd love to! =D

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Hypothetically, I would post it as an epic because, hypothetically, few BZPers would read one giant story in one sitting. Giving chapters and places to stop is nice, especially if they are separate posts (easier to find out where you left off).


Also, I would give a hypothetical green Santa Miru friend a hand in the glorious uprising to rule over BZPower. Hypothetically of course.

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Does it have clear junctures at which it naturally shifts in topic or mood? Was it written so as to be indivisible (e.g., My Dinner with Andre-style, single-minded cohesion)? Is art a game of numbers, or of emotion and intuition? (Protip, it's the second.) With the information you gave us, it's impossible to actually answer your question.


I would love to go over that story. When I edit, I can typically take a pretty focused look at (i.e., line-by-line commentary on) grammar, style, diction, and syntax, as well as overall artistic effectiveness as a narrative. So, if you're interested, shoot me a PM with the document.


BTW, Zarayna, I've seen a two-post Short Story before (HH had to give it specific permission, of course).

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Does it have clear junctures at which it naturally shifts in topic or mood? Was it written so as to be indivisible (e.g., My Dinner with Andre-style, single-minded cohesion)? Is art a game of numbers, or of emotion and intuition? (Protip, it's the second.) With the information you gave us, it's impossible to actually answer your question.


Straight-up merciless over here, haha. But you have a good point. I wrote it as a continuous story rather than something separated by chapters, but I wouldn't say it's quite My Dinner with Andre; there's a fair amount of scene shifts and characters entering/exiting the picture.


I'll PM you the document, in any event. It has some possible splits included.

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:kaukau: Unfortunately, it will have to be a short epic. Call it a trilogy of short stories. This is because I wrote a story that was over 10k and it cut off a chunk. I don't know how long it was originally, just that it was originally longer and is now within the 10k range. 20k won't work at all for a short story, even though outside of BZPower I think it's an acceptable short story length.


Since you put so much time into this, however, might I suggest that you take things a little further and write your paragraphs so that they aren't blocks but have ten periods formatted into quite coloring for indentations? It might at least give you the dignity of a more polished look. You come off to me as someone who's willing to take the tie for things like that.


An alternate possibility is posting it as a two-part short story with permission by Hahli Husky, as BioGio mentioned, which might be in the best interests of what you had in mind, as far as i can tell.


Also, hypothetically, what if you had a fourth pair of eyes eager for your potential story?



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I would post it as a short epic. I got away with that once not so very long ago.


But do revise it first. You may find some stuff to cut or add in that may make your decision for you.

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