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Muharax's Law

Scanty Demon


Muharax's law: a law that states that BZPers will title blog entries with controversial statements or anything eye/attention grabbing that are against BZP rules. The law also includes that members will rush forward and read entries ready to argue. However said blog entry will contain little to no connection to blog tittle. Named after Muharax Makuta of insanity (now Felix Dzerzhinsky) who named the law after himself and made it because he was bored. Sometimes referred to as Scanty's law.


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Squishy's law - the law that states whenever a small comparison between Bionicle and HF is made, a huge argument will break out.


If I had a quote block, this would go in it.

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Squishy's second law - the law that states whenever an opinion is wrongly treated as fact, a huge argument will break out.


this pair of laws is known as "Squishy's laws" or sometimes the "Huge Argument laws"

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