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Inferna Firesword


This isn't how I expected my break to start off.


My laptop, for the uninformed, seems to have the personality of an aggravating hypochondriac with a weak immune system. I got it last year for Christmas, and in that time has caused me three headaches -- the first was caused less than a week afterwards, when it started freaking out about viruses that didn't exist; the second was when it completely failed and needed a system reboot back in March.


This time, it keeps blue screening when I try to log off or shut down, and as a side-effect seems to have disabled my ability to lock it up.


The problem started back in November, and has a bit of a routine: I get the blue screen several times, it preforms system repairs, everything goes smoothly for a bit, then it starts again.


It's annoying as heck.


My dad tried to help me with it today, but it hasn't done much, if at all. Apparently another time spent on the Dell Customer Service is on my agenda tomorrow.


Anyone have any suggestions as to what's causing this latest problem?


(BTW, I literally have no options other than to fix this: my parents won't buy a new one, and I can't afford a new laptop. 'Getting a new one' isn't going to solve my problems.)


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The fact that it's blue screening so much is odd. Since you just got it last christmas, I'm going to guess it's got Windows 7, which makes it's constant blue screening even odder. Have you run any scans on it recently?

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The fact that it's blue screening so much is odd. Since you just got it last christmas, I'm going to guess it's got Windows 7, which makes it's constant blue screening even odder. Have you run any scans on it recently?

I've run scans almost every time it blue screen's, and did one a few days ago. It's really weird.

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Can you give me a little more info on the bluescreen? It should've given you an error code, 0x[something] and a big name like ERROR_NAME_GOES_HERE.

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These days, with a blue screen, it's usually caused by a rogue driver going borked. The best likelihood is you need to update the video drivers, or if you did so, roll them back to a good one.


That's my advice.


Also guys, I doubt buying a Mac is a good solution right now, given it would mean getting used to a new system, spending more money on one in general, and also having to transfer all files and rebuy software for the new OS.

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Can you give me a little more info on the bluescreen? It should've given you an error code, 0x[something] and a big name like ERROR_NAME_GOES_HERE.

I have STOP: 0x0000001E, which according to the Dell service site is not a common error message.



These days, with a blue screen, it's usually caused by a rogue driver going borked. The best likelihood is you need to update the video drivers, or if you did so, roll them back to a good one.


That's my advice.


Also guys, I doubt buying a Mac is a good solution right now, given it would mean getting used to a new system, spending more money on one in general, and also having to transfer all files and rebuy software for the new OS.

I've still got a year of free customer support, so I'll probably try that. Since again, the code isn't a common one, I might need the help.


And thanks for the support. I'm used to Windows, and Macs, in the pas, have taken a certain amount of glee in making my life as difficult as possible.

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