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Coming Soon to a Kindle Near You . . .

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


I have an announcement that's going to make Kraggh vomit a modicum in his mouth, tear out his hair, and weep uncontrollably for the lamentable prospects of the written word. And while this bit of news may strike terror into the hearts of some, I could probably name a greater number who will be pleased, perhaps a few who would even be thrilled.


What am I leading up to?


Nuile wrote a novel.


And he's publishing it.


(Coming 1/12/13)


Pattrick Clayton is a farmer in a somnolent Lancaster town, affable, charming, loved by all. Since his father died, and since he came out of the Great War alone, he has struggled to come to terms with the death that plagues him. It only becomes worse when, to add to his grief, his aunt is found dead in her home. Not a year has passed since the armistice, and the beloved town gossip has been poisoned--and to all appearances, she poisoned herself.


Pattrick can't believe it any more than the rest of the Claytons, whatever the police say. Investigations continue, but before anyone can make up their mind, another death strikes the family, this time even closer to home. And, this time--it's murder.


From the nearby city of Philadelphia comes retired private inquiry agent, Leo Westmacott. At first he's only an old family friend come to pay his respects; but duty is a difficult thing to avoid, and soon he's playing the role of sleuth once again. Now he has to readjust himself to the detection game and get to the bottom of these murders. The complaisant Pattrick Clayton agrees to help, and soon they are joined by Leo's dependable secretary, the charming Miss Slaytor. The deeper they inquire into the lives and minds of the people of Mockingbird, the more they realize that life is no more innocent, no more docile, and no less dangerous in the country than on the backstreets of Philadelphia.


Filled with vivid characters, flavored with heart, and steeped with wisdom, The Second Death is more than a study in murder and mystery but in loss, family, friendship, and death itself. A vivid cast of characters will light your way along an ingenious maze of secret and deception while the secretive Leo Westmacott will leave you completely in the dark until the final moment.



And this is but the first in a series of detective novels. You can expect to see more of Leo Westmacott and his assistants in the nigh future. In the meantime, I hope that you'll all take advantage of the .99 cent trial period, read and enjoy the book, and then lend me your advocatory but critical rhetoric in some objective reviews. If you can be patient, however, I encourage you to wait for the five-day promotion during which you may "purchase" the novel absolutely free, January 26th through the 30th. And I won't lie and say that I don't hope some don't notice this until the 31st or later, when the price will stabilize at $2.99.


(Sales, of course, will be through the Amazon Kindle Store.)


Be sure to tell all your friends, relatives, hairdressers and sanctimonious literature teachers after the 30th in time for the promotion!


And hey, have any questions? Ask away!





Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith




Recommended Comments

Congratulations Nuile, nice to see another BZPer get published. Now if only I could put my pencil to paper one of these days. Again, congratulations.

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First of all, congrats, Nuile! It's super awesome that you've published a novel already, and I have to say, I'm slightly jealous. =P I definitely look forward to reading this book and others that you publish in the future. As you know I'm a huge Mystery fan myself, so it'll be awesome to read a murder mystery novel by a fellow author here on BZPower.


I do wish you would've published it on B&N instead, as I have a Nook Tablet, so I suppose I'll be waiting until 90 days from now when you can publish it elsewhere and I'll buy a version then (though, I will download the free version for Kindle-PC. I just probably won't read it yet =P). But oh well.


The blurb sounds interesting, so I definitely look forward to reading it then. Keep it up. ^_^ (and now I must work on publishing my own novel =P)

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:kaukau: Nuile, I'm flattered that I mean so much to you that I'm the first person you think of, but you know that my flair for the dramatic is far more powerful than what you suggested here. In this case, the only acceptable reaction from me is







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