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Suggest PS3 games for me to check out...

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am just pop in today to ask if any of you know of some good PS3 games for me check out since well, I kind feel like to branch out some more from Nintendo stuff that I usually play. So yeah, if you know of any good games for the PS3, feel free to recommend some to me here.


Hm...I guess I should mention what games that I have already on the system. I have the following games on my PS3:

- Portal 2 (Mostly because for the timing being I can't play it on my PC. That and well, my sister brought it for me since I was one that brought PS3 from our brother [Yeah, he made me pay him for something that got free...])

- Darksiders (I brought this game awhile back. I just hadn't gotten around to playing it. Hm...I maybe starting this game next weekend, if I don't get distracted by other things.)

- Journey (Which I brought recently and I have beaten it in about three hours. Oh, and I am planning on maybe doing of a review of it here since I kind of feel like talking about my feelings and thoughts of it as whole.)

EDITED: - Okami HD (Just downloaded it yesterday on my PS3. Thanks Chols for suggesting it.)

- Ni No Kuni (I just got this today (02-05-2013) and I am now off to go play it now. :) )


Games suggested:

- Uncharted Trilogy

- NieR

- Yakuza Series

- inFamous 1 & 2

- Shadow of Colossus

- Jak and Daxter HD Remake

- Ratchet and Clank HD Remake

- Sly Cooper

- Flower


Games own by my sister:

- LittleBigPlanet

- SoulCalibur IV


Oh, and I am thinking about getting Ni No Kuni since that game looks pretty good from what I seen of it. So yeah, with that said, I guess RPGs and action games would be good ones to suggest to me. So if you know of any good ones, feel free to suggest them here.


And for those wondering, my PSN ID is BZP64JMJ. You can add me there, if you want.


Alright, that's all I really have to talk about for this entry. I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest some PS3 games for me to check out. If not though, thanks anyway for checking this entry out and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, folks.


- JMJ 2013


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Ya know, there was one that I really wanted to get but couldn't because it was basically a PS3 exclusive, but I can't remember what it was...


I'm so helpful, I know. :P

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Seconding Okami, Uncharted Trilogy, LittleBigPlanet, Shadow of the Colossus, and also the HD remakes of PS2 trilogies - Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper.


Also, the downloadable game Flower. That's about it for PS3 exclusives, there are plenty of multiplatform games like Arkham City and Bioshock and others I can't think of right now.


Also, never ever buy God of War, because it's an awful series.

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Also, never ever buy God of War, because it's an awful series.


Gonna have to dispute this one here. It depends what you're after. A rich, intense story with a likeable character? You're better off elsewhere (NieR). If you want a stress-relieving hacky-slashy-button-mashy nine to twelve hours then any of the trilogy is a good idea. Ascension seems quite obviously forced in to try and milk that cash cow for all it's worth but I'm still gonna check it out because those games are fun for what they are.

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Also, never ever buy God of War, because it's an awful series.

Gonna have to dispute this one here. It depends what you're after. A rich, intense story with a likeable character? You're better off elsewhere (NieR). If you want a stress-relieving hacky-slashy-button-mashy nine to twelve hours then any of the trilogy is a good idea. Ascension seems quite obviously forced in to try and milk that cash cow for all it's worth but I'm still gonna check it out because those games are fun for what they are.

Yeahhhhhhh no. It looks good and has a good soundtrack. That's all it has going for it. Gameplay is unoriginal and monotonous, and I don't like the idea that you can excuse awful characterisation and a dull story (the story of GOW3 being, from what I gathered, you fall to the bottom of the mountain and then climb back up it, i.e you play the full game just to get back to the start), especially when the gameplay itself is so meh. I mean, Mario Galaxy doesn't have a decent story or any depth to its characters, but the gameplay is top notch. But it could still be improved by a deeper story. Same goes for GOW, except the gameplay ISN'T good and the game therefore has basically no redeeming features. Incidentally, Gears of War is another series to be avoided for similar reasons.


@Quote (Mr. Traveler): He's already got it. :P It'd have been the first thing I'd have recommended.




EDITED to Fix Content Blocks. The only change made was removable of the quote from commenter above. - JMJ 2013

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I guess the entertainment the gameplay provides is subjective because I actually had a lot of fun with it. With the variety of weapons and combos on offer I thought it was fast, fluid and fun. When it was interlaced with the occasional puzzle made for a nice breathe of fresh air, even if they weren't of Portal level complexity. And yeah, if you generalise any story then it will sound bad but it dis justify it with Kratos finding Hephaestus who led him to Pandora.


Now, I'm not saying these games are revolutionary or fantastic. If anything, they're popcorn games, games to kill time with, have (subjective) fun with and then forget about when you play something better. It's essentially the video game equivalent of a summer blockbuster.

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