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Being Nice

a goose


A lot of people have problems or feel down, and generally when they complain to me about these things I take the nice option and try to help them feel better.

Some, however, tend to be just a little bit ungrateful, thinking that they can dump anything on me without the possibility of, y'know, hurting me. Because obviously being nice to people means that I can never be hurt or insulted.

Fact of the matter is, like everyone else, I am human, and I do have feelings, and they can be hurt. In the past, I would've just forgiven these people immediately and returned to supporting them, but I'm beginning to realise that that isn't the best option, because it just means being hurt again, and again, and again. These people aren't worth my time.

And that's basically the purpose of this blog entry, speaking about my personal little decision about how people who hurt me repeatedly shouldn't really be considered my friends. So yeah. :)


The moral of the story is that when people are nice to you, you should think before arguing back at them and being insensitive towards them, especially with some things that should be very obvious (for example, you don't complain to an ex-boyfriend who you yourself dumped about how difficult moving on from a guy is going to be for you). Similarly, if you are nice to pretty much everyone, don't keep going back to the people who don't return the favour.


- Vorex


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I can relate to this blog entry 99.9% (except for that Ex-thingie-part. Well.) And this:


And that's basically the purpose of this blog entry, speaking about my personal little decision about how people who hurt me repeatedly shouldn't really be considered my friends.


is a decision I respect (and also admire) greatly because it's something I still fail at every now and then.

So yeah, you have my respect. (always had, but... I think you know what I mean ^^")

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Let's just say the ex thing wasn't as hypothetical as it could have been...


I hope to follow my decision; it doesn't mean that I will be nasty to these people, or not immediately forgive them, but I won't seek them out to talk to or consider them 'friends'. I'm by nature a forgiving and supportive person, so I can't really work around it.


- Vorex

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