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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


So somebody's been gossiping behind my back, saying I should write something like this. =P Well, I'm not much of a poet, but as far as I could tell there was no rhyme nor reason to that, nor any metrical structure. I'm probably wrong, but I know precious little of poetry anyway, and so I will leave it up to you to tell me whether this is a poem or not. Fifteen minutes of trying something like the previously mentioned poem, and this was the result:


Pain and sorrow let loose to kill,

Joy and bliss left free to roam;

Dark and night, light and day,

Value, justice, apathy.


To tell the truth or tell a lie?

To believe or to deceive,

To see false for false or real for real,

Madness, waste, insanity.


The strength to endure the harshest blow,

The weakness to fall.

The vigor to rise, the dread to turn back,

Panache, terror, equipoise.


Cry to the night, weep to the stars,

Lament your losses and your gains.

Feel the poignance to exist,

To love, to lose, to fight and win.


The flower's bloom, the sun's warm glow,

The happiness of emptiness,

Inane joys rotting in our souls;

Comfort, peace, banality.


Logic and rationality,

Sound reason to do, to live, to die.

Euphoria in just purpose, despair in cogent cause.

Wherefore, why, validity.


Emotions, feelings, vagaries,

Justice, madness, equipoise,

Love and loss, joy and ease, farce, reason, tragedy;

Where lay the world's true alchemy?

Somehow I feel like there should be more to poetry.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith



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