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An Apology and a Clarification

Black Six


I recently made a comment in a blog that was worded very poorly. It did not properly convey my thoughts and I apologize to anyone who felt offended or restricted by the statement I made. I have since edited the comment to try to be more clear, but have been contacted by people who still have questions.


It is the view of the Administration (and my personal view as well) that everyone should be afforded the same natural rights regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, political views, or however you'd like to categorize people. I would say anyone who disagrees with that and expresses views as such would be considered intolerant and/or discriminatory.


In the specific context here, I want to be clear that you can talk about marriage on BZPower. You can say who you want to marry, who you're married to, what kind of person you'd like to marry, whatever, no matter your gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, etc...


On the flip side, you cannot talk about political or legal cases of any kind on BZPower. Nor can you talk about political activist or lobbyist groups. Politics as a whole are not allowed to be discussed on BZPower.


So if there is a legal case about marriage, such as United States v. Windsor, or a lobbying group, like the Human Rights Campaign, you cannot discuss them on this site. The same goes for any case or group, no matter what they are supporting. No politics are allowed.


Remember, we are a site about a children's building toy. That is our focus here. I understand and appreciate that many of you have strong views about such cases and the causes they affect. But BZPower is not the place to talk about those things.


Again, I apologize for my poor choice of words in the situation. It was not my intent to offend and did not reflect my views. I simply want to keep BZPower a safe, family-friendly website for everyone.


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See, this is why I avoid politics in my life. There's always going to be someone who disagrees with you, who has a different view on what is right or wrong. That's why I'm neutral in almost every issue. That probably won't make people on either side happy, but I just want to have fun and make friends on this site. So I propose we all do just that. This is a site on a kid's toyline anyways.


(Psst, feel free to remove this if I crossed any borders here)

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I understand the point of view you hold, and I know that the site's roots were founded in Bionicle, but perhaps moving away from being a site about the view of "This is a Kids site" is what would expand BZP. I feel that since the site is still mainly geard towards Bionicle, it's losing a lot of it's steam and a lot of it's potential is being wasted.


I think if you were more open to these concepts and perhaps made the forums a bit more mature, for those of us willing to participate in logical, civil discussions about this stuff, then maybe you'd be better off.


I think through that, BZP can expand quite a bit. We must remember that it's been 3 years since Bionicle bit the bullet, and the site has only been getting slower since. If we don't expand to concepts other than just Lego, or seriously redefine our image in that field, we won't last more than 5-7 years at most.


I understand your want to keep the rules as they are, I understnad why they were put into place, but as one famous man put it: "The times they are a changin'" and I feel that some of the rules may need revision. A looking over, sprucing up.


Maybe even removing some, as I said above, and expanding the site's horizons, making it accessable to every age range. The young and the old, those with and without experience. I hope this message gets through, even thought I doubt you'll allow it to be posted.


- Jerzy

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I understand the point of view you hold, and I know that the site's roots were founded in Bionicle, but perhaps moving away from being a site about the view of "This is a Kids site" is what would expand BZP. I feel that since the site is still mainly geard towards Bionicle, it's losing a lot of it's steam and a lot of it's potential is being wasted.

As one of the Administrators of BZPower, I don't want to move away from Bionicle and LEGO. I want to run a LEGO fan site, not a site where people discuss and debate politics, religion, and other social, cultural, economic, etc issues. If you or someone else wants to make such a site, you're of course more than welcome to, that's one of the awesome things about the Internet.

I think if you were more open to these concepts and perhaps made the forums a bit more mature, for those of us willing to participate in logical, civil discussions about this stuff, then maybe you'd be better off.

Except that time and again the membership as a whole has shown they cannot talk about these topics in a mature manner. There are always going to be differing viewpoints and that always seems to blow up anywhere you go on the Internet.

I think through that, BZP can expand quite a bit. We must remember that it's been 3 years since Bionicle bit the bullet, and the site has only been getting slower since. If we don't expand to concepts other than just Lego, or seriously redefine our image in that field, we won't last more than 5-7 years at most.

I don't know how long BZPower will last. Maybe you're right and five years from now it'll just be me making news reports and blog entries. I'd love to find a way to revitalize the forums, but currently we're looking to do that while still being a LEGO fansite.

I understand your want to keep the rules as they are, I understnad why they were put into place, but as one famous man put it: "The times they are a changin'" and I feel that some of the rules may need revision. A looking over, sprucing up.

I agree that some rules could probably be changed, and we're working on changing some of them. I don't think the rules regarding political and religious discussion are up for review right now though. And honestly, every time there's an issue like this where members start arguing and the staff has to get involved, it takes away from the time we have to work on improving and changing the site.

Maybe even removing some, as I said above, and expanding the site's horizons, making it accessable to every age range. The young and the old, those with and without experience. I hope this message gets through, even thought I doubt you'll allow it to be posted.

I like to think that we are accessible to every age range, and that removing some rules would restrict who feels welcome here. Young children don't want to talk about politics or religion, or if they do, they're not educated enough to make the logical choices about what they support and believe. I feel that having such discussion would alienate them and that's not something I want to do. Kids today are the AFOLs of tomorrow.
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