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Work and Interviews

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, I've got good news. Well, it's good news for me. I don't know what's going on in everyone else's life, but that's not what I'm concerning myself with! =D (Yes, I'm always this self-centered. So glad that hasn't been outlawed).


Anyway, I've been working a 9-5 office job this past week. My brothers and I have worked there in the past, and it's mostly just regular office type stuff. I wear a suit and tie every day and have mugs with funny captions, a picture of my wife and imaginary children and I nearly faint every time I spill maranara sauce on my freshly-pressed and starched white shirt. I'm so glad they have those stain removal pens nowadays. (Please note that everything past the first two sentences of this paragraph were a complete and total lie. The dress code is probably what casual clothing you'd wear to school. That is, unless your school has mandatory uniforms).


So, while that isn't the most exciting thing in the world, I'm still glad I have something. Plus I've applied to a local area for a job in my field (something that shall never be revealed to BZPower because I love enigmas. I mean, it's such a fun word: enigma. ;u;). So far I've had two interviews there and things are looking hopeful at this point. I really hope I get the job. Also, I've explained my situation to my boss and they're ready to let me go or work fewer hours around a new schedule if I do get hired. In other words, it's possible I could be working two jobs this summer which makes me excited.


Now, I know I'm seldom on BZP these days, so my public activity will probably remain the same as it already is currently. Actually, this strangely might result in more blog posts as I actually have some exciting things in my life to actually type about to random creepers on the internet who actually read about my life. HI PEOPLE! 8D


Also, I've been reading up on driving laws and I'll be getting my temps soon.


I know, I know, I'm getting my liscence late. However, I would like to point out that Phoenix Wright didn't have his liscence when he was 26 and he was still the most awesome lawyer on the face of the planet. Edgeworth is the classiest, ftr.


What was I talking about again, Billy?




~Tekulo <3


Recommended Comments

I didn't know you had a second interview. That's pretty awesome.


Also, temps. That's pretty sweet as well.



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And here I was feeling sorry for myself that I don't have a license yet. (Soon ...)

Are they going to make you parallel park?

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And here I was feeling sorry for myself that I don't have a license yet. (Soon ...)


Are they going to make you parallel park?

Our state does a "maneuverability" test, which is essentially parallel parking, but with cones in the middle of a lane instead of cars on the side of the road. That's totally what parallel parking is like, right?



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