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The Burning Sensation That Is Hair Dye

Spoony Bard


So I had my hair dyed yesterday. Went to the place I get my haircut, and had the guy who cutes my hair dye it.


Because my hair is so dark, first thing that had to be done was strip it of its color, or in others words, bleach it. I can honestly say, it was an uncomfortable feeling, since the chemicals do not cooperate with the skin well. :P


So I am sitting in the chair, with the dryer emitting heat, and the chemicals burning away at me. But it does not end there, oh no.


The bleach just lightened by hair. But I still needed color. So I picked out this orangey shade of red, which in a sense is a pumpkin color somewhat. That was even worse than the bleach, cuz the chemicals had a stronger reaction with each other, and my head was just BURNING. :P


But, this tale does not end yet. Next thing was to get highlights, to have that golden shine mixed. That was no biggie.


So in the end, I have brassy hair. The dark hair that was not affected mixes well, so I have the perfect look for Balthier.




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A guy cuted your hair? *Shrugs*


Anyways, glad to hear you have no new spiffy hair :) Even if it is recoloured...

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A guy cuted your hair? *Shrugs*

I noticed that too. Looks like you got to it first.


Anyway, I hope this pain results in a fantastic award at the cosplay masquarade or whatever you'll do with it this weekend.



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