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Tim Lambesis Arrested

Laughing Man


the frontman of the Christian metal band As I Lay Dying and the sideprojects Austrian Death Machine and Pyrithion was arrested earlier today after allegedly attempting to hire an undercover cop posing as a hitman to kill his estranged wife.




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dunno. doesn't sound very good, though. I mean, they actually caught him trying to solicit murder. not many ways you can explain or justify that.

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Coulda said the same thing about Randy Blythe. It's weird and doesn't look good, but hey, innocent until proven guilty, neh?
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Huh. I still don't understand how people think hiring hit-men is good idea.



Still gonna listen to ADM, though.

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Here's a statement released by the San Diego Sheriff's Department earlier today:

Information came to us late last week — last Thursday, to be specific — that Lambesis was soliciting another individual to kill his estranged wife, who also resides in the area. Our detectives, our fugitive task force and the sheriff’s special investigations division immediately initiated an investigation into this allegation. We worked around the clock through the weekend and that culminated this afternoon when Lambesis solicited an undercover detective to kill his wife.

The next step will be Lambesis’ initial appearance in court, and that is where the charges are read, and if there’s a bail to be set. And they will go from there and start setting different court dates. The investigation at our end is still ongoing, and I can’t go into detail on that. And, thankfully, no one was hurt. But I believe that the captain who commented earlier said that we averted a tragedy today.


If he actually tried to hire an undercover detective as a hitman, I don't see any way he's getting out of it, and the authorities seem very confident of it.

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