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The Great American Road Trip II - Introduction





Last summer, as you may or may not recall, I spent 28 days on the road in 25 states, and blogged about my various experiences. These experiences included, but were not limited to, impromptu hail storms, toothbrush-gets, confusing waitresses with pre-cooked bacon, creating poems about eggplant, ridiculously large potholes fault lines in the road, our GPS channeling its inner HAL 9000, grown men sharing their beers with their dogs, getting attacked by a gigantic crow, squirrels that thought they were dogs, my dad rubbing his beard on various items, and, of course, going a few thousand miles with what turned out to be a busted ball bearing nestled somewhere in the driveshaft.


After that epic journey concluded, I felt a longing to get back on the road - a reverse homesickness, of sorts. There's still a lot of this continent to explore, and my bucket list mostly consists of exploring it. North Carolina just seems so ridiculously small now.


So then and there, preliminary planning for the route of the second Great American Road Trip was underway. According to our philosophy of aiming our car in a general direction, going, and hoping for the best, we did not want to plan too much of the adventure, but the various states and provinces we want to see on this trip necessitate a bit more precision. We're still not planning ahead too much, as we might be on the road for our maximum 37 days available. (If we don't run out of money, we should be okay.)


This is The Great American Road Trip: Part II. Tomorrow - May 15th, 2013 - we shall depart from North Carolina, bound for Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, western Canada, and possibly points beyond. (My dad keeps threatening to get "frisky" in Canada, drive to Alaska, off-road it to Nome, raft across the Bering Strait, buy an old Soviet tank in Russia, drive the Trans-Siberian Highway with Vladimir Putin. I'm not sure we have enough time to do that this year.)


This is where you come in. If you see that I might be rollin' through your area, comment on an entry or PM me, and we'll see if we can work something out.


So without further ado, let the insanity begin.


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When will you take trip to Texas? Also since you are headed to Tinysota, be sure to head to the Mall of the Americas to look at the largest Lego Store.

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Texas is pretty huge. I was in Amarillo and Lubbock last year. Depending on how many days we have left will determine our route through the state, either down south towards Big Bend and then over, or somewhere a bit farther north.

Where are you in Texas?

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Sounds like quite the adventure! I feel sorry for the sane[?] one though. :P


And hey, if you wind up in really western Canada, I'll be down in Seattle this summer, so feel free to hop the border!

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Sounds like quite the adventure! I feel sorry for the sane[?] one though. :P


And hey, if you wind up in really western Canada, I'll be down in Seattle this summer, so feel free to hop the border!

We're actually planning on going across Canada to Vancouver, then down through Seattle.


Why not go to north Alabama next year?

That depends on if we go there this year. If we do I'll let you know.

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