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BZPowerCraft #17 Gamemode Clarification & Rules



If anyone is confused about what I mean by Hardcore, I intend to clear that up here and now.


Our gamemode tonight will be as such, where we do not naturally regenerate health.

The only way to recover health is via Golden Apples and/or Health and Regen Potions. And so the surface isn't an absolute death sentence at night, I'll also be enabled the all daytime gamerule. granted this will making caving Harsher, but in the long run, if everyone plays their cards right, it should work out for the better.


Now we have our general ruleset, but for any newbies, I'll list them out here.

  1. Do not under any circumstances, leave the bedrock wall that define's the games boundaries, before you die. This is only pardoned if you make a nether portal and show up outside of the boundary. You are permitted to do whatever after you die.
  2. After a player has fallen, as stated before, you may do what you please. But you are not allowed to UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, to interfere with the players still in game. If you do this, you will be kicked from the server as a first warning, a second breaking of this rule, and you will be banned for the rest of the game.
  3. All death is final, EXCEPT for PVE death during our grace period.
  4. The Grace period in this gamemode will last 2 in game days as opposed to the normal 1. So the period begins when I reset time to 0 day 1, and ends Sunrise Day 3.
  5. If you do go to the Nether, just be careful of where you make your portals, we do not want people inadvertently showing up on the wrong side of the wall.
  6. Before I give the signal to go, you and your teammate must remain where the spreadplayers command places you, unless something bad is chasing you down.
  7. As implied by the previous rule, there will be teams tonight. The SpreadPlayers command will randomly make them though, so don't go teaming pre-maturely. ; D
  8. And as always, be a good sport, don't use cheaty stuff like X-Ray packs or the like.
  9. And most importantly, have fun. : D


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>You are permitted to do whatever after you die.


Just make sure you're not blowing things up while others are still playing, since that might cause lag. And PLEASE lay off on the mob spawning, especially within the bedrock wall. -__-

Oh, and is this 1.6? :P

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Yeah Nara, I realized what I said. Lol


I'll just have a timer going or something.


And yes Bamb, it is.

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Just make sure you're not blowing things up while others are still playing

Yes, yes, I get it Bambi, stay away from Desert Temples, especially if ET is anywhere nearby. =P

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Just make sure you're not blowing things up while others are still playing

Yes, yes, I get it Bambi, stay away from Desert Temples, especially if ET is anywhere nearby. =P


I wasn't even thinking of you. :v

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I got over it guys. :P


Yeah, I think this hardcore approach is really going to freshen things up. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^


Although making golden apples will be harder now that we need ingots, not nuggets...


Oh wait. Those kind don't even give regen, do they?


Great. ;_;

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I have a feeling starvation is going to kill me because I have no idea how ingots and nuggets even work, much less potions. :P

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I got over it guys. :P


Yeah, I think this hardcore approach is really going to freshen things up. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^


Although making golden apples will be harder now that we need ingots, not nuggets...


Oh wait. Those kind don't even give regen, do they?


Great. ;_;

The golden apples do give regen. :P Only two and a half hearts, though.

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I got over it guys. :P


Yeah, I think this hardcore approach is really going to freshen things up. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^


Although making golden apples will be harder now that we need ingots, not nuggets...


Oh wait. Those kind don't even give regen, do they?


Great. ;_;

The golden apples do give regen. :P Only two and a half hearts, though.


Ahh. I was thinking of Enchanted Golden Apples.
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