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Kirby vs. MegaMan



So I was bored today, and after spending some time on the internet, started thinking of the outcomes if Kirby and MegaMan fought each other.


I mean, both can copy abilities, but MegaMan is limited to the abilities of Robot Masters he defeats. Kirby has a much wider range of powers at his disposal at any other time, even if MegaMan keeps every ability he obtains.


MegaMan however, is far less vulnerable than Kirby in their normal states. MegaMan has constant access to the Mega Buster, while Kirby can pretty much only inhale enemies or exhale air. Kirby is far more durable however, because he's practically like bubblegum, so he can withstand a great variety of attacks. Spikes are instant kill for MegaMan.


There's probably a lot more information I overlooked, but this was just a random idea I thought up of. Who do you guys think would be the victor?


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Kirby has access to a HAMMER, not to mention an ethereal blade and the ability to turn into a 10k weight and rain destruction from on high. Pretty sure that just crushes MegaMan.
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Well, it all depends on the exact details.


Judging from the information you have provided, can we assume Megaman has access to ALL Robot Master weapons? Will he need to switch between them, only using one at a time, or will he be able to use any of them at any time as he appears to be doing in the new Smash Bros? Does he have access to Charge Shots? Slide attacks? Any other non-Robot Master weapons?


What abilities will Kirby have access to? Will he be using his Smash Bros moveset? Can he inhale Megaman, and if so, what abilities will he gain through inhalation? You make a point of mentioning spikes are lethal to Megaman--if Kirby uses a spike ability (which I believe he has?), would that be an instant-kill in this match?


Furthermore, is there a determined battlefield for this fight? Will it be including Smash Bros features such as Assist Trophies, extra weapons, Final Smashes, etc? Do the fighters have extra lives, or do they win as soon as they knock out the other fighter?


Settling weird match-ups is my specialty. Once all the variables are decided, I'd be more than happy to offer my thoughts!

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Just to be clear, the MegaMan here is the classic one, which appears to be the most famous iteration.


Both characters have any ability from their respective games (Charge Shots, slide kixks). MegaMan has access to all Robot Master abilities from 1-10, though he has to switch out between them. Kirby can inhale enemies wandering around to gain their abilities, and can also store up to 5 powers at a time in his stomach if he swallows enemies, as in Squeak Squad. He can also inhale MegaMan's attacks and gain that respective power. Kirby can attempt to swallow MegaMan, but I'm sure MegaMan can counter that in many different ways.


There will be no Smash Bros features, or outside help, except for Helpers Kirby can create from powers, and Rush for MegaMan. As for the battlefield, how about a flat piece of land on an island?


Also for Kirby's spike ability, I'm not sure. That would be a massive advantage, but I dunno, your call.

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When Megaman and Kirby are using a specific Robot Master power, do they inherit the weakness of the corresponding Robot Master? For example: if Kirby inhaled Fire Storm, would he then take extra damage from Ice Slasher until changing to a different power? And would the same apply to Megaman?


The spike ability being instant-kill would be unfair. Perhaps it merely causes more damage than Kirby's other attacks?

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Well, I'm not exactly a MegaMan expert, but I think inheriting the weaknesses would be logical. Onc again though, your call.


Yeah, for the spike ability, that would probably be the best idea. :P


By the way, this is a fight to the finish, aka until one of them dies/cannot fight anymore.

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I'm not an expert on Classic Megaman either, nor am I an expert on Kirby, so there's a huge margin for error in my calculations.


Hm...well, I do think the fight could go on for quite some time before either combatant could be felled. However, I think Megaman would have a better chance of winning. He has about 80 weapons, plus Rush is on-hand, and several of his weapons that manipulate time and space seem particularly difficult to avoid and difficult for Kirby to copy. (They don't have a physical form for Kirby to inhale, although he could inhale Megaman while using these powers. It would be more difficult, however.) Even if Megaman acquired the weaknesses of Robot Masters while using their weapon, he has so many of them that he could simply avoid using powers that would make him vulnerable to the powers Kirby is using. Essentially, since Megaman's powers are "pre-programmed" while Kirby will need to inhale enemies/projectiles/Megaman in order to obtain particularly spectacular abilities, Megaman has an edge.


I could very well be wrong, of course, and I'd be interested in hearing any debates.

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First of all, it's been shown several times in the anime that Kirby can inhale non-physical attacks and gain the power of their power. Secondly, Kirby has access to many devastating abilities such as Cook or Mike, along with the 'Super' abilities from Return to Dreamland, tje latter of which has been shown to be powerful enough to shatter magical barriers no other attack was able to pierce.


Perhaps giving Kirby the ability to summon Copy Pedestals with the power he desires will make the battle more even?

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What I meant was that these attacks directly manipulate time or gravity, and I was unsure how Kirby would be able to inhale them.


Those abilities would be quite effective. As for Copy Pedestals, that would even the playing field more, but there could be a delay in Kirby acquiring the Pedestals that Megaman could make use of to get in some extra hits.

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