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Sigh Of Relief



I talked to my dad this morning, and we had a very long talk about how he wanted a divorce. I talked to him about how my mom has been depressed ever since my Grandma, her mother, died, and told him that divorce was both a hard and easy way out, and the wrong choice, and I convinced him to try to fix his problems with my mom through counseling. I still don't know what will happen, but I am much, much less stressed and I can only hope the counseling works. After I had the talk with my dad, we drove to the Perfectos in town and got bagels. I talked to him to and from there, as well. My dad can be stubborn, but I think I got through to him on it. He respects my opinions and listens to me like I'm a full adult, because he knows I'm an intelligent person and respects that as well. I'm just so relieved right now that this happened... But there's still a lot to come, and I can only hope things go well.




Man, my blog's subtitle is really accurate right now.


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Well done. It's really great to hear that you can help sort out that sort of problem in an intelligent, adult way. The amount of people I hear who say 'I want a divorce, but God says it's wrong...'

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Wow, that's really good. I hope everything will turn out alright. My parents got divorced; I hope it doesn't happen to you.



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