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What should I change mine to? Because I have no idea and I thought it would be a wise idea to consult the wiser members of the site of BIONICLE ZONE POWER (!!!) for ideas.


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What kind of name are you looking for, is the question. And yes that grammar was not quite right.


If you want to keep with your undulating verb theme, I suggest Gyrate; if you want something custom, maybe Dianox; I did like Skrief when you had it, and that's a possibility again; if you want something vaguely meaningful, there's always Gnaritamancer; or if you want a suggestion from the top of my head, I suggest Terraineer (or Terraneer if you want to be a mathical terrane-wanderer). Maybe one of those will be helpful.







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Hmm.. thank you for the idea, Overlord. I think I have an idea of what I want now.


Something simple but along the lines of my current name, staring me right in the face.

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Thank you, Overlord. I decided to go with something along the lines of my current name, but simple, staring me right in the face.

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