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First thing's first: Next gen consoles.



Alright, so.

This is the first real entry in this new, shiny, clean blog of mine.

What's better to talk about than my stance on next-gen consoles (since you know i didn't have this thing during E3 and such)?

How should I start... Oh yes. Let's start with the console that everyone completely trashed at E3, the Xbox One.

Well, I hated it at E3 just like everyone else (The new Halo trailer for it was awesome though). The 24 hour connectivity thing, no offline play... really aggravating.

However, they did fix that after pretty much everyone voiced their... extreme displeasure for those features.

Now, I'm kinda neutral to it.

Still not happy about having to have a Kinect for it though.

Now onto the PS4, which everyone praised...

They didn't screw up like Microsoft did, so nothing new after E3 about it. It still has DRM on it, you have to pay for online like Xbox Live... really, I think people praised it because of the fact you could trade games easily among friends, which you couldn't do on the One. However, they fixed that on the One now. To me, the PS4 and Xbox One are equal now, honestly.

Equal if I ignore Microsoft E3 that is.

And finally, the Wii U.

This thing is already out. It's been out, and games are coming out for it soon. Like a Wind Waker remake.

And Earthbound for VC.

And new Super Smash Bros.

Well. I think I know what console I'm getting right now... In all seriousness though, I think the Wii U will do really well despite that ginormous gamepad. Just like the 3DS, it had few games on launch. But then they make a lot of games for it. which are usually good.

Now then, they need to make a new Metroid Prime-esque game on the Wii U, or a new 2D Metroid on the 3DS...

Post your thoughts in the comments. Please don't beat people up over their opinions also. I don't want it to get too messy in here.


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Earthbound just came out, actually. =P Thursday/Friday, I think.

And now, for the great question




I'll probably get either the WiiU or PS4, depending on who gets Persona 5.

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