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Apparently Not A Virtue

Tufi Piyufi


The contest #42 prelims are up now. All 32 of them, from A to Foxtrot. They end on Sunday, so you better get in there if you haven't already.


The original 'live date' for the prelims was the 16th. This was before I knew that there would be 313 pollable entries. This would take a solid day's work, provided that I had absolutely nothing else to worry about. However, this was not the case at all.


Life did not put itself on hold long enough for me to get the polls up by the 16th, nor did it do so for the other suggested date of the 17th. Face it, folks: I had more important stuff to do. Family birthdays, schoolwork, and all that other stuff kinda takes precedence over polls for an Internet Lego forum.


I will now throw some numbers at you.


I recieved seven PMs, noted at least three topics, and saw at least one blog entry all devoted to asking 'jeez, where are the polls?'. I recieved one PM from a member offering help with the polls.


Does this seem a bit out-of-balance to you?


I got the polls up, yeah. I got them up on my birthday of all days. I got them up even as the complaining got louder. Lemme tell you something: having to ward off all those people with the same, unchanging answer didn't exactly make the polls get done any faster.


One PM against at least eleven instances, folks. I've got over thirteen years of math experience, and yet I'm still having trouble with that one.


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That blog entry was on my blog, wasn't it? :annoyed2:

The one I'm referring to? No. But if that bumps the number up one... that really isn't a good thing.

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I'm sorry about the blog entry, I was just curious.


I know stuff comes up... and you did amazing getting the polls up as fast as you did.

Good job, Tufi.


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That blog entry was on my blog, wasn't it? :annoyed2:

The one I'm referring to? No. But if that bumps the number up one... that really isn't a good thing.


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Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. The fine Lady said my poll! Foxtrot! Woo!


As for delays... So what? They're here now :)

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Life takes priority over LEGO Bricks? Really? :blink:


Anyway, thanks alot for getting up the polls anyway. You really could've let us suffer for a whole week if you really wanted to. :P



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Completely understandible tufi. Speaking of math, noting current trends, it might just be easier to place a limit on the number of entries, since it's been what, two contests in a record breaking entrance records? Now knowing that ten entries per poll is the limit, further that there are generally 20 polls, excluding the last two contests, it might be a lot easier and much less time consuming to limiting the number of entries to 200 tops. Just an observation. *shrugs*

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Life takes priority over LEGO Bricks? Really? :blink:


Anyway, thanks alot for getting up the polls anyway. You really could've let us suffer for a whole week if you really wanted to. :P



Honestly, at one point, it was tempting, especially with the complaining growing louder.


Completely understandible tufi. Speaking of math, noting current trends, it might just be easier to place a limit on the number of entries, since it's been what, two contests in a record breaking entrance records? Now knowing that ten entries per poll is the limit, further that there are generally 20 polls, excluding the last two contests, it might be a lot easier and much less time consuming to limiting the number of entries to 200 tops. Just an observation. *shrugs*

It would take one heck of a fight for me to agree to something like that. The only thing such a limit would do would be to reward hasty building and early birds. What about the people who work hard on their entries and/or take just about all the time given to them to work on their entry and get it up? What about the people who can only get on at certain parts of the entry period? I'm not shutting them out just because big numbers scare me (which they don't, for the record).


I'll be retooling my personal contest methods for next time, but that's it. If these things really are growing, I'd rather allow that, rather than squash it.

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It would take one heck of a fight for me to agree to something like that. The only thing such a limit would do would be to reward hasty building and early birds

Not to mention you'd have everyone rushing to meet the deadline. You'd be squashing some good creativity on an already strained schedule.


However, should the theme suffice...

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Is there anything that we could actually do to help you, Tufi? I probably wouldn't mind, I'll have loads of free time soon.


On behalf of the BBC Empire, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work, especially on your birthday.



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It would take one heck of a fight for me to agree to something like that. The only thing such a limit would do would be to reward hasty building and early birds. What about the people who work hard on their entries and/or take just about all the time given to them to work on their entry and get it up? What about the people who can only get on at certain parts of the entry period? I'm not shutting them out just because big numbers scare me (which they don't, for the record).
I hadn't even considered the whole hasty building argument, a large oversight on my part. The only possible solution, from my viewpoint, to somewhat eliminate hasty building would be to create some sort of time barrier between when the contest is announched (generally the first of each month), and when people can enter (say the fifth or sixth of each month), this would then generate a window for everyone to build; such uniformity would give everyone an equal shot. (Though I will note that there will be a surge of entrants once the window for entrance begins.) In a similar matter, a second thread (specifically for entering the contest) could be opened, once there are 200 (might as well work with an easy number) posts, than the topic is closed, signalling the end of the entrance period. From there, the standard BBC contest thread would function chiefly for Q&A. (This format might actually help save some time, since all entries would be listed one after another rather than in a random pattern in the actual BBC topic.)


Also, it did seem from the overall message of this entry that you were annoyed with the amount of entries, since they resulted in constant badgering.


If these things really are growing, I'd rather allow that, rather than squash it.

Definately, definately, but you don't want things to grow at too much of an accelerated pace.
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Is there anything that we could actually do to help you, Tufi? I probably wouldn't mind, I'll have loads of free time soon.

At this point, I can't come up with anything post-entry period, and I don't really want to say anything until I get the new contest methods tested out. Here are some general things that should help, though:


1) Entry name, link to entry picture. First post. No question.

2) Don't switch entry pictures mid-contest. Make sure you've got the one you want the first time, and don't post until you do.

3) Don't repost your entry post. Not something I would have said before April, but hey. I saw way too many instances of this in #42, and it was massively confusing. Why did it seem like a good idea this time, folks?

4) Give me the deep-linked version of your entry pic, not the 'in-gallery' one. That's how people get locked out of the polls when their entry pic still isn't public.


It would take one heck of a fight for me to agree to something like that. The only thing such a limit would do would be to reward hasty building and early birds. What about the people who work hard on their entries and/or take just about all the time given to them to work on their entry and get it up? What about the people who can only get on at certain parts of the entry period? I'm not shutting them out just because big numbers scare me (which they don't, for the record).
I hadn't even considered the whole hasty building argument, a large oversight on my part. The only possible solution, from my viewpoint, to somewhat eliminate hasty building would be to create some sort of time barrier between when the contest is announched (generally the first of each month), and when people can enter (say the fifth or sixth of each month), this would then generate a window for everyone to build; such uniformity would give everyone an equal shot. (Though I will note that there will be a surge of entrants once the window for entrance begins.) In a similar matter, a second thread (specifically for entering the contest) could be opened, once there are 200 (might as well work with an easy number) posts, than the topic is closed, signalling the end of the entrance period. From there, the standard BBC contest thread would function chiefly for Q&A. (This format might actually help save some time, since all entries would be listed one after another rather than in a random pattern in the actual BBC topic.)


Also, it did seem from the overall message of this entry that you were annoyed with the amount of entries, since they resulted in constant badgering.


If these things really are growing, I'd rather allow that, rather than squash it.

Definately, definately, but you don't want things to grow at too much of an accelerated pace.

I don't see the number of entries as the focus of the annoyance: if anything, I see it as being used to explain the tardiness of the polls. Believe me, it wasn't the number of entries that got me. It was the impatience. Had I gone totally unbothered, I wouldn't have minded the prelims nearly as much. After all, with enough work, they do get done.


I'm still not fussed on entry limits of any kind. I'm not convinced that the answer to growing contests lies there: we've only had two of these things so far, after all. Change will undoubtedly happen somewhere, but danged if I know where yet.

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