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The staff is mostly gearing up for BrickFair, that might be it. Or they're continuing the blog perk along with the discount on PMship?


And I'm commenting!

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Did some digging the Blog HQ cuz someone asked the same question in the Q&A forum, and I found this:



I started a blog when I was Premier/on BZP's birthday, and I'm not a Premier Member (now). Can I still use my blog?
Short answer: No.
The blog is visible and you have a few powers such as drafting/publishing entries and editing them, but you will not be able to edit your blog's appearance, launch new content blocks, start new entries or approve new comments [if applicable]. However if you eventually do pay for Premier Membership, you will be able to use that same blog again. If you have a blog but aren't Premier, keep in mind these rules.

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That quote... isn't relevant to the situation.


When they say you can't edit your blogs appearance, launch new content blocks, start new entries or approve new comments, they mean the site won't let you do those things, not that you aren't being allowed by the rules. I can do all of those things, and the site isn't stopping me.

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I started a blog...on BZP's birthday, and I'm not a Premier Member (now). Can I still use my blog?

Short answer: No.

The blog is visible and you have a few powers such as drafting/publishing entries and editing them, but you will not be able to edit your blog's appearance, launch new content blocks, start new entries or approve new comments [if applicable]. However if you eventually do pay for Premier Membership, you will be able to use that same blog again. If you have a blog but aren't Premier, keep in mind these rules.


Just because it doesn't explicitly say "Stop using your blog once BZP's birthday is over" doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. As a regular member, you don't regularly have a blog, so it's a privilage that the staff extends to celebrate the birthday. Once the time limit for that privilage has expired, even if you can still post new entries, it's still wrong to do so.


From the birthday news topic, posted on the 20th:


For the next week all members will get the perks of Premier Membership - rank images, blogs...




The privilage was extended until the 27th, so to post after that would be to abuse that privilage.

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you have a few powers

This part of the answer implies that after losing your blog, you lose most of the 'powers' of having a blog. Also,


you will not be able

The wording of this says that you are not able to do make new entries and the like, not that the rules prevent you.

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It's not a matter of whether or not you CAN, it's a matter of whether or not you SHOULD. The privilage of a blog was for that week, regardless of whether you can still make entries after that time.

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This happens pretty much every year, though. And I think most of the older members remember 2011, where the blogs were supposed to only be for like a week or two, and them got extended two months. Granted those were different circumstances; but I also haven't seen any of the staff saying 'don't do it', even in the past where people pressed the 'stop time' button on that famous microwave. I could be proven wrong, but yeah.

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I mean, it could just be my upbringing, but I see "for the next week", and that tells me that come the 28th, regardless of whether or not I can post, I should willingly give it up, because they didn't have to let me do it for that week.

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