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ibb and obb



so a few days ago my sister and i tried the demo for this game - we liked it. the art style was cute and overall it was fun. plus it was only ten dollars. so we bought it.


let me just say one thing




the earlier levels were really fun, and they still gave your noggin a good workout. i don't know how far we are into the game yet, but all of the sudden the levels seem to have taken a huge increase in difficulty. i don't mind a good challenge in a video game, quite the contrary, as that usually makes the game more rewarding. usually. i don't know if i'm just horrible at this game, if my sister is horrible at this game, if the levels are designed with slight hiccups, or some combination of all of those. when you beat one of the hard puzzles, there's just not that rewarding feeling. it's more of a "freaking FINALLY beat that stupid freaking puzzle that took us seventy freaking tries to beat". part of the reason behind this is because the levels are so long, so chances are you'll have to keep playing and you'll encounter another equally frustrating puzzle, and if you stop, you'll have to start the level all over AGAIN. and then you'll get so close to beating the level... and then your partner make one slight misstep, a wrong-timed jump, and you have to start the puzzle from the beginning. again. and then that same situation will happen over and over again.


also playing single player is nigh-impossible. you control ibb with one control stick, and obb with the other. this is extremely awkward, but generally not a problem until you have to do any sort of synchronized jumping or dodging or basically everything you have to do to solve puzzles.


i don't really know how to end this entry so have a picture of ibb and obb:


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