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Need a Recommendation



So I got a $50 iTunes gift card recently and I've been trying to decide what to buy with it.


I noticed they have the entire first season of Elementary available for download for $25. It seems like a pretty good deal to me, especially when you factor in how much each episode costs to download individually. And I'll admit that I have been very curious about Elementary, as I love Sherlock and am interested in seeing the differences between the two shows.


So is Elementary worth watching? Or would I do better to use my iTunes money on something else? I'm interested in hearing what y'all have to say.




Recommended Comments

I watched a couple episodes of Elementary, and personally, I wasn't all that impressed. =/ Especially when compared to Sherlock.


I feel like if it was just a normal crime show it would be better, but since it's supposed to be Sherlock Holmes, that coupled with the amazingness of Sherlock made me like it less?


Just my opinion, though--you may very well like it more than I did. CBS.com has a couple full episodes that you can watch, but I don't know if you want to watch one out of order or not.

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