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Garreg Mach

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DLC? - Smash Files #11



As you all know, DLC (DownLoadable Content) has become quite common in video games. The concept is that, after releasing a video game, developers can continue to create content for their game (such as new levels, new characters, new items, and new stories, among other things) post-release, and then release this extra content to be added onto the original game. The unfortunate bit is that many companies for a long time now have been using DLC as an excuse to milk every possible cent that they can out of their customers. The good bit is that Nintendo, about seven years late to the ball game as per the norm, has only just started releasing DLC for their games. While it sucks that Nintendo has waited this long, for the most part their DLC has been quite good - heck, the DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U was big enough to be its own game.


You have to admit, this is pretty cool in some fashion.

But what does this have to do with the next Smash title? Everything. Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released during a time where DLC should have been a thing with Nintendo, but wasn't; as a result, it... well, it's obvious. Brawl had no DLC content. But now that Nintendo has finally seen the value of DLC, plus their track record so far, I think there are many different possibilities for Smash DLC to be created. The first (and most obvious) route is to add more characters to the game. If they can bring themselves to stop limiting the Wii U and 3DS versions to the exact same roster, this could allow for each game to become more individualized, creating more unique experiences with each system. Perhaps characters such as Shantae and Pheonix Wright, who have always been on portable systems (the Ace Attorney Wii ports don't count!) could be 3DS DLC, while a character such as Ghirahim, whose only appearance on has been on a console, could be Wii U DLC.


I'd rather see him as DLC anyway, to be honest.

Of course, this would mean extra stages as well. Or perhaps themed "packs" - for the sake of examples, let's assume that Sonic the Hedgehog is not added back as part of the release roster. Sometime after release, the developers could release a "Sonic the Hedgehog DLC Pack for Smash Bros."; this "pack" would obviously include Sonic, but it could also include one or two additional characters, plus some stages, new music, and maybe even an item or two inspired by the franchise. Heck, let's go all out and add a few Sonic-inspired trophies too, and maybe an adventure-mode add-on (depending on what the new adventure mode is, of course). If you think of Smash DLC (which will, hopefully, exist) in terms of this "pack" mentality, there are so many possibilities to think about. Imagine if the adventure mode in the new game is like the Subspace Emissary in Brawl - and then they release a DLC Pack that includes a sequel to the storyline of the adventure mode? I could go on and on, but the fact of the matter is, the possibilities of DLC are endless. The only question is if Sakurai believes in DLC enough to finally bring it to the series.


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