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The World Needs to Change

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: People will tell you that all you need is to be confident and good things will happen. Your plans will turn out the way you plan them. Your prayers will be answered. You'll ace your job interviews. You'll pass your test. You'll win the game. Others will like you and hang out with you instead of the other way around.


I'm a manic depressant and an Aspie.


I thought that being secure with myself was some grant life principle, the secret to all success. Especially when it comes to any and all social relations. People would think I was cool if I liked myself. People would want to hang around with me.


So I stopped putting up a censor. I decided to be comfortable in my own skin. I stopped hiding who I was and I let things go naturally, and I was in tune with my own internal beat.


A few hours ago I decided to say "Hello" to someone I considered a friend, or at least a cool acquaintance. She's a self-proclaimed weirdo, which is cool. I like people who are weird and not ashamed of it. Whenever I saw her, I would make sure to hang out, say whatever was on my mind, and not care if I was too energetic. I was, to some extent, myself. So all I was going to do was tell her "Hello."


And she told me to get away from her.


Apparently, I was a stalker because whenever I saw her I made a straight B-line to talk to her. And to my surprise, she did not appreciate that I freely talked about the weirdest things.


She didn't appreciate at all that I thought she was cool? Does she not know how good she has it? It's not like she's popular or anything, but does she know what it's like to not be valued by anyone? Does she know what it's like when no one in the world wants you? Does she know what it's like when no one even likes you? Does she know what it's like when no one cares?


You know, I can chalk it all up to my Asperger's. I can. I decided to be myself, and I became too extroverted for my own good. I'm always eager to show people that I think something of them. Perhaps I shouldn't do that, but I'm sick of thinking that way. I've tried so hard to change, to be the person the world wants me to be and to act just right. But then people reject me. And I find out that they talk behind my back, form gossip circles over intimate things going on in my life. It's sick and it's wrong.


Then a friend renounced all friendship ties with me a few days after he told me that a true Christian would never feel depression. he tried to make me feel ashamed of myself. I fell in love with a woman, and while she didn't play the shame game she told me that God would provide. I prayed that He would provide for me by giving her understanding of how I felt. She never did.


If you're so righteous, why don't you try to understand just for a moment how it feels to be me? And don't just tell me to stop being that person. The ex-friend told me exactly that. It's cowardly and hypocritical. He feels good about himself? Good for him. But every moment he lives without caring that I'm trapped in a cage is a moment spent actively sinning and doing evil against me, and all who share in my struggles. I would go so far as to call it a crime against the whole world. You know what his righteous way of dealing with this was? He commanded me to "stop being that person."


So yeah, I deal with the Asperger's Syndrome and the depression. It causes problems, so I guess I can't fully be myself, or at least not all the time. I just have to be careful about when I'm truly honest with people. One day I will have actual friends that I can be myself around, the type of people who truly like me for who I am. I'm dealing with it -- I'm bearing my own cross here and I've tried to change as much as possible. But I'm sick of being ashamed of myself. I'm sick of being the only one who has to change. Let everyone else change! It's the world's problem now.


If only people knew when talking with me that I'm really a person who has nothing. I hardly even have myself. Whatever happened to the noble times when people saw others in need and had compassion? Am I not a precious human being, too? It's not enough that I can tell myself that I'm cool because I need to hear it from other people. I don't need to hear it in words, just in deeds. Instead, I get people trivializing my problems, and then creating new problems for me. What message do they send me? You're not wanted; you're not even needed.


Before you think I'm being oversensitive, tell that to Spink. And before you tell me that my situation is nothing compared to Spink's, you can show yourself the way out the door. That's more or less what the ex-friend said. He said that I had no right to be sad, not just because it went against his religion, but also because he could name someone who had it worse than me. He said that without even knowing what I was going through. And it was something he could never truly understand because it was genuinely beyond his comprehension, so all I wanted for him was to at least respect my pain. I don't want pity, because even if they don't seem big to you, my problems are really big for me. If anything, I want reverence. And I want people to care. I want to be loved.


As it currently stands, I honestly don't expect that to happen. The world is a terrible place, and the people in it are terrible people.






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Those people sound like pretty bad uncool dudes. Maybe I'm not religious enough, but I thought that helping people involved more than just telling them to suck it up or whatever. Honestly, if that's the kind of people they are, then you might not want them as your friends in the first place.


I hope you can get over these people and become friends with some more decent kind. I know its difficult for me to make new friends and such, and I don't have it nearly as bad as you. But I don't know what else to say except that I hope things improve for you! Don't let their negetivity get you down. :)



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The world is a terrible place, and the people in it are terrible people.

There are good people, too. You just haven't found them yet -- or, rather, they haven't found you.


I'll admit that I can't fully comprehend what you're going through, but hopefully this helps: Try not to be too bothered by people who say, implicitly or otherwise, that you're worthless, because such people don't deserve having their opinions on worth heeded.

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:/ I'm sorry about that... I'll admit I think I know what you're going through to some degree, and losing a friend can be a terrible thing... A friend of mine called me creepy because I hung out around her. Not to mention that she knew I had feelings for her and claimed they were mutual...


Yeah, life sucks. I hope things improve...

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I fear that to some point we really do have to 'take back' ourselves and not let everything out uncensored, although it is something I do tend to have my fair share of problems with. :/ I'm by no means saying that you are wrong, and I kind of get how frustrating it can be from time to time. And losing friends is always something terrible. :/


Just... try not to let it get you down to much. Maybe try using that energy for art stuff; you can be yourself there. Which is also not meant as "Go take yourself and go to art stuff far far away from everyone else", but more as in work with what you have. It's just something that has always helped me with coping with such things, and usually drawing things (or painting) is the time when I feel most like "myself".

So yeah.

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Sorry to hear that. I have AS and I don't have any major issues with it, but many people do have them. I don't know what I can say here other than that some people are mean and other people just don't understand people who act differently.

And to the person who said Christians can't get depression, he should go back and read the Bible again. Perfection is not attainable by anyone and those who say it is are liars.

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I have Aspergers as well, and have been massively lucky to find genuine friends. Some of them are from the Art Club at my old high school, which was home to all sorts of misfits (including a lesbian I had a crush on who, thank God, let me down easy). Some of my friends are from my time at Landmark College, a school specifically for students with learning disabilities. There were horrible people there too (people who had been bullied in life who decided to mimic that, or people who weren't good enough at recognizing their disability to know when their obsessions or sense of humor were getting on others' nerves). But the friends I made there became some of my best friends. If you can find true friends, who are willing to deal with your imperfections, hold onto them.


I've suffered from mild depression as well, and I can only make two suggestions. First, remember that whether or not you feel like the world would be better if you had never been born, remember that you were born whether you like it or not, and ending your life would likely do more harm than good for every single person you interact with. Secondly, find joy in the little things. It doesn't matter if it's nature or Lego or music or TV or video games. Find something that reliably makes you happy and do it whenever you need to.


Life can suck. People can be awful. But it doesn't have to be the be all and end all. Stay strong, keep moving, and don't give up.

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The person who says "Christians don't get depression" is just plain flat wrong. I have an aunt who is a Christian and depressed. I went through a major bout of depression myself, and I'm a Christian. Christians are people too, and have problems like everybody else.


I don't know if this will help or not, but when I was depressed I found it helpful to make a list of the people and things that were hurting me, and then slowly go down the list, forgiving the people and the things - acknowledging that those people and things were causing me pain, but that I could chose to carry that pain or forgive the stuff and let it go.


I'm sorry if the above paragraph is being insensitive. I have no idea what you're going through right now, and I freely acknowledge that. I agree with you that the world could use a facelift. But you can't force people to like you or to appreciate you. In fact, I'm confident enough to say that there are people in your life who really do appreciate you for who you are. If not, that's a shame. I've seen enough to know that you're an excellent writer - on this blog, and you write excellent nerd comedy - and you have the guts to ride your bike over an incredible distance that I couldn't ride. You do have intrinsic value as a human being. You can accomplish great things and meet great people.


And if people don't appreciate that, walk away. You don't have time to waste on those people. Focus on the people who do.


(sorry if I'm being insensitive, I'm not an aspie and I don't really know what it's like.)

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I definitely know what it feels like to be caught between "be confident" or "relax and be yourself" and an expectation that you act a certain way when you do so. I get told to act like myself (which is pretty darn introverted) with the expectation that I be extroverted. Asked to dance (which to me means "two-step" and I'm not good at even that, though I am a born and raised Texan) with the expectation that I proceed to do jump-style and to be okay with grinding. The paradox between people wanting me to be confident with who I am and what they assume a confident person is supposed to act like ended my last relationship, with pretty much everyone on her side despising me for what I'm not.


It really is a problem, and I feel some of your pain (never been diagnosed with Aspergers, so I haven't a solid clue about that struggle), but all I can really say to you is that this is where perseverance comes in. Go ahead, be depressed. Get a good run of tears in. It's good for the soul. Just make sure you're ready to stand up and keep marching.


Skype me if you need to talk.

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Truth be told, I don't believe there was a time that people supported each other for the greater good, and never manipulated others for personal gain. That's just the product of our fantasies made to cover up such injustices. That's not to say there's no such thing as good people in the world, I like to think of it as wading through miles of muck to find gold nuggets lying around at some point. Not ideal, but not entirely hopeless.

I can't put myself in your situation, or almost anybody's else, I'm sad to say, but I try my best to respect people's sadness. We're all fighting our own battles people, how about we try to work together and support each other, instead of rejecting others because of our inner conflicts?


I don't have Aspergers, so I can't understand what you go through. But I have overly sensitive emotions, which leads to me having anger problems at times. I'm sad to say those times haven't escaped BZP, evidenced from my 3-star rating. I was constantly bullied, due to being an easy target. I landed in Special Ed so I wouldn't get expelled, but even then, some people there got on my nerves. I've come a long way since then, and I'm happy to say I'm in a better environment at my current school. But others are not so fortunate, and I offer my condolences, though I may not fully understand your sadness, I will respect it.


Truth be told, I like to consider myself Christian, but I want everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to have a chance to overcome their struggles and blossom into the flowers they were meant to be.

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he told me that a true Christian would never feel depression

This is insanely wrong and terrible.


I don't have much else to say. I hope this is a short stage in life for you.

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