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Bionicle RPG - Skills

Takuma Nuva


Well, now that all seven of my past entries on the subject are gone...


The project has moved forward from simple note-taking to actual writing into a proper rulebook/document.


Right now I'm just looking for skills ideas. I've got quite a few, but I just want to see if other people think of one I didn't. Here's the skills I have so far, listed with their respective attributes:

Swimming (Strength)

Climbing (Agility)

Persuasion (Charisma)

Intimidation (Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma; depends on context)

Acrobatics (Agility)

Stealth (Agility)

Deception (Intelligence or Charisma; depends on context)

Examination (Intelligence)

Carve (Intelligence)

Track (Intelligence)

Surfing (Agility)

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Explosives (Intelligence)

First Aid (Intelligence)

Perform/Entertain (Charisma)

Security (Intelligence)

Mechanics (Intelligence)

Navigation (Intelligence)

That's all for now. Work has slowed down a little now that school has picked up again, but I'm still working on it during my free time.





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The only thing I really see glancing over this is that if you try to Krekka your way through the game you are pretty much screwed. Strength has only two skills? Seems like you should be able to smash more things than that. =P


Agility is similarly short-skilled, but not quite as bad. That is really the only thing I noticed though. *shrug*

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Strength counts for actions like carrying, throwing, and fighting, but those aren't really skills per se. Similarly, agility is used in combat initiation, dodging, jumping, and that kind of stuff. The only thing I feel is particularly lacking enough use right now is Charisma.

Krekka your way through the game? You probably could, depending on what the Game Master has going. Besides, what're allies for but to cover your own inadequacies? :P

EDIT: Basically, skills are something that require a natural talent or some degree of training to do effectively. It doesn't take much know-how to throw your fist at a wall.

Takuma Nuva

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Ohhhh I misread this entire thing I thought these were the different types of checks you could throw. For some reason the multitude of times it said "Skills" didn't sink in for me. xD


What about "Advanced throwing your fist at a wall"? =P


For Charisma... Maybe some sort of bargaining/hassling skill? I guess that could be covered by intimidation though...


I got nothing. *shrug*

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"I do an advanced punch to the wall."

"Okay, roll for strength."

"I missed by two degrees."

"Your amazing wombo-combo advanced punch fails so spectacularly that all you manage to do is weaken the ceiling. Sheetrock falls; everybody dies."

Takuma Nuva

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The thing with Charisma is, in every game it's an option, talking your way out of things is really always better. Charisma may not have many skills, but all the ones I see are real powerhouses for it.

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I was kinda thinking the same thing. The only thing I'm honestly wondering about at this point is whether there should be a "barter" skill or if it should just roll into persuasion and intimidation. I'm leaning toward the latter case right now.

Takuma Nuva

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My experience with tabletop CHA is it's usually things, like, Intimidate/Diplomacy/Bluff/Streetwise, with the last one having some degree of power over prices. Here, though, Diplomacy would probably hold bartering best.

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Soon as I read swimming, I was like, "No dexterity?"


I am disappoint, Takuma.


And for that matter, I am also very disappoint that there is no S.P.E.C.I.A.L., or even another word formed by the first letter of the attribute names. If you renamed Charisma to Diplomacy, you could at least make it D.A.I.S... or S.A.I.D... or, uh... A.I.D.S.



- :burnmad:

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