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Back From Raleigh



Hey guys,


Just back from a short trip to Raleigh, NC for a story meeting. Most of the team was over there for 2008 focus groups, so the franchise manager kindly carved out some time in the schedule for me to meet with them (possibly saving me a trip to Denmark next month).


A few news items:


-- I saw for the first time all the proposed canister figures for 2008. There were 16 figures on display, of which 12 will be chosen to be sold. They looked quite different from the prototypes I had seen and apparently have gone over well in the groups.


-- The meeting was on BIONICLE 2009 and beyond -- so if you see someone on here spreading rumors that BIONICLE is ending in 2008, don't believe them. The story is CHANGING in 2009 in a lot of ways, but not ending. It was a very productive three hours, we got a ton done, and I came home with a few new projects I have to work on for the team. Extra work, but not complaining -- it's stuff I volunteered for to help advance BIONICLE.


The first meeting at which ideas are presented to corporate will be in mid-May, so that is when the franchise manager will discuss with the big bosses what we decided yesterday. Hopefully, they will like the ideas and we will be given the green light to proceed with story material.




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Well I guess that's good. I can't wait to see 2008's figures, but then again, I can because I haven't even seen all of the 2007 characters :P .


For your sake, I do hope that you were saved from a trip to Denmark, it sounds like it would be a stress in life that you wouldn't need.


Changing? I know you can't answer it (so this is a rhetorical question), but how? Is Mata Nui gonna awaken...? The reasons I recall you saying that Bionicle would change a lot was if either


1) It wasn't making enough money (causing it to go in a radical new direction

2) Mata Nui awakens...


Oh well, I'll find out in 2009, won't I?


I seriously hope that the feedback with the story goes well, because I'd hate to not see the comic anymore.


Thanks for the update Greg :D .


- :t::l::h:

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Ooooo change in the Storyline?


*the fallowing is a crazy guess that was partially made up for comedic reasons, viewer discretion is advised*


The whole world will blow up and they will be teleported to a new world and have to start all over again, and History will repeat itself in one way or another (like it does here).


Ok enough with the crazy guessing,


Do you get to travel a lot Greg? Have you ever tried communicating over live footage Video? (like the film makers did in POTC and LOTR?) That might save a trip too... but I suppose it isn't the same, specially when you get to look at all the brand new toys :happydance:


Oh I wish I had about $200 and the chapters near me had the new books so I can go and Buy them all... then maybe a coffee... and some socks.


Did you have that Slushy I prescribed you for your Vacation?




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Yeah, we know how many people appreciate change. :lol:


I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2007, and it’s good to know 2008 and 2009 and beyond are also in planning modes. I sure hope Bionicle keeps going strong…



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yea, cool how come only 12 of the sets go on sale?? :???: anyway can't wait for the new direction. theorys anyone.



well otherwise we'd have 4 more canister sets to get.

Man, can I take over your job? It sure sounds awesome...

-- I saw for the first time all the proposed canister figures for 2008. There were 16 figures on display, of which 12 will be chosen to be sold. They looked quite different from the prototypes I had seen and apparently have gone over well in the groups.

Any new colours up there?

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I didn't really pay much attention to the colors -- not being a MOCer, I don't notice things like that.


Ithranna - I travel some. I usually have two or so Club meetings a year I have to go to, plus Comic-Con, and now that story is being seen as really important for BIONICLE by the global team, we are spending a lot more time on story meetings -- this is our third one in the last 10 months (used to be once a year). I have done some on video-conference, but they just don't seem to work as well.



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Wow... yah I guess the video-conference just isn't the same. it's good to know they are finding it more important, they should. that certainly is a jump, from 1 a year to 3 in almost a year... what are Comic-Cons like and what do you do there? do you enjoy your traveling or would you rather stay in one spot?



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16 canister sets, eh...I'm guessing that they make the sets, choose which ones they'll sell and chose the clour scheme later. Although having eight in a set would be nice.


A change in the storyline, eh. That's very nice to hear. I look forward to '09 and beyond (As I do every year). Man, I wish my dad had your job. :P

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16 canister sets, eh...I'm guessing that they make the sets, choose which ones they'll sell and chose the clour scheme later. Although having eight in a set would be nice.

good point. The prototypes could have been in silver (that's what some have been like before)




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No, prototypes shown at focus groups are in color. But we might have something like two different red Toa, for the kids to pick which design they like best, that sort of thing. I understand from the franchise manager that the groups have gone very well so far.


Matt Murdock -- BZPers can speculate about all sorts of things, that is part of being fans. They almost always are talking about stuff way in the future, but they don't really have any info on it, they are just making guesses.


Ithranna -- Comic-Con is fun and exhausting. I usually bring a few hundred dollars (which I try to get rid of by the end of the weekend, last year on DVDs and posters -- comics tend to be REALLY expensive there). Most of my time is spent sitting at the booth, signing autographs or answering questions. If I don't have to work, I wander the con until it is closing time, then I go back to the hotel, have dinner, call my wife, and sack out.


I used to do more traveling than I do now -- back in 2003, I think I had 10 trips -- but now that I am writing for Scholastic, I don't have as much free time to do it. Trips take away writing time. But in the next, say, couple months I am in NYC four times for family or fun, so I bought a laptop to bring with me.



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What does you wife do while you are away? She must miss you when you go on those trips... has she ever gone with you? That would be fun.

I suppose Jobs and responsibilities shorten the amount of Travel time available... though you can always bring a notebook or laptop like you said. The Cons sound like fun, I should see if there is one near me coming soon. Answering questions? Don’t you do that here? LoL... oh, I just notice all the questions I'm asking you... woops. :unsure:




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Well, as stated in the first post, BIONICLE is DEFINATELY not losing money. . . so that must mean either Mata Nui awakens, or something else. . . speculation, anyone?


I heard you were sick- hope you get better!



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Well, as stated in the first post, BIONICLE is DEFINATELY not losing money. . . so that must mean either Mata Nui awakens, or something else. . . speculation, anyone?


Whatever it is it will be awesome, I don't even want to guess... but I do hope to see my favorite characters come back (at least for a little while) :smilekopakanu: :wub:

Anyways I'm sure it will be Big... or just plain awesome as Bionicle always is. I.O.W. I trust Greg knows best :D



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Interesting. Very Interesting. You wouldn't happen to know if the 2008 sets include a new function or collectable, would you?

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It would be so cool if this "radical new direction" (which has been mentioned alot) is that we go to a different BIONICLE world, or the BIONICLE mainland. With a new Makuta, whole new characters etc.

Cause, although BIONICLE is great, in my opinion, the sets are going a bit down-hill. But the story is still great. But it would be nice to see something completely fresh and new.



But we might have something like two different red Toa, for the kids to pick which design they like best, that sort of thing. I understand from the franchise manager that the groups have gone very well so far.


Theres a kids group!? They see the sets!? So not fair.

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