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Garreg Mach

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Laws of BZPower: What Will Get You Ridiculed and Possibly Banned, Volume 2



In today's episode of "Why did you click that link?", because quite clearly it was on that site (you know the one) that is soooo darn offensive that you just want to PUNCH YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN, which begs the question of why you were even on the site in the first place.


Today, we discuss how that title probably dragged you in against your will. Unfortunately, it has now chained you to the wall and is slowly lighting your most prized possessions on fire (ESPECIALLY the inflammable ones) one by one in an attempt to force you to give up the codes to the BZPower mainframe. Fortunately for you, BZPower is not the last stronghold known to man defended by only a few simple codes, so you can't possibly give those codes away to the fiendish title. Unfortunately for you, since those codes don't exist, you're probably going to watch that Ferrari you spent seventeen years saving up for burn to ashes in a couple minutes.


Fortunately for you, once it is done the title will let you go, because it has a lot of prisoners to interrogate in the same futile fashion. Unfortunately for you, the title leaves you to find your own way out of the base that is sixty miles underground and consists of seventy-four floors filled with sixteen giant mazes that have only a single entrance and exit each with no discernible markings. Not to mention the perfect sphere of lava that the base is situated within, which means it is probably melting right now.


Good luck!


And don't forget, if you don't make it out, at least the base has several time machines. So if you ever wanted to ride on the futuristic S.S. Birmingham, the first ever flying pirate space ship in the year 5401, now's your chance!


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