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Tonight's Closing Thoughts #716



So, tonight I'm gonna talk about metal bands or something.


I don't understand how bands like Crown the Empire, Memphis May Fire, Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris, etc, got so popular. Or rather, why those specific ones became popular. I mean, they literally sound like everything else. Just check out the intro to "Memories of a Broken Heart" or the riffs in "Voices" by Crown the Empire (though I don't recommend listening to the full songs, you do that at your own peril :P ). Compare those to any other song from another band, let's say "Solid Ground" by For All Eternity or "Fallen" by I Am King, both lesser-known bands. Notice anything different? No? Didn't think so!

What I'm wondering is since they all sound the same, except every now and then the vocalists sound a little different, why do some get more popular than others? Is it the record label?

While we're on the subject of generic stuff, I don't really mind listening to it as long as they're not a super popular or well-known band. I just think it's kind of ridiculous how people adore certain bands when they're really no better than any of the other ones. Like, there's no point in saying "X is better than Y!" because in reality, X sounds almost exactly like Y.


Anyways, I'm out now. :) *ends night with Powershifter by Fear Factory*


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so many snarky elitist remarks I could make about this entry but I'm going to refrain and just say that "Powershifter" is a great song and Fear Factory are a legendary band so props for that

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so many snarky elitist remarks I could make about this entry but I'm going to refrain and just say that "Powershifter" is a great song and Fear Factory are a legendary band so props for that

I'm not an elitist. :P

Okay, maybe a bit. Just a tiiiny bit. It's not that I hate these bands, I just don't see the point in listening to them if I can help out a smaller band and still hear the same stuff.

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idk I just think you should expand your horizons a bit beyond mainstream and/or generic metal subgenres typically ending in the suffix "-core"


Fear Factory's a good start for that sort of thing incidentally

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idk I just think you should expand your horizons a bit beyond mainstream and/or generic metal subgenres typically ending in the suffix "-core"


Fear Factory's a good start for that sort of thing incidentally

Actually I have been listening to a lot of Job For a Cowboy and Allegaeon stuff lately. I'm also getting more into Fear Factory.

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JfaC is still pretty trendy but the others are good starts I guess.

Yeah, I figured that was the case with Job. Still like 'em though. For me though, it's mainly the vocals that make me like a band. Everything else is usually icing on the cake.

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I listen to CTE and MMF sometimes.


But seriously listen to Chelsea Grin and Volumes. Those are two great bands.

I don't think it's bad to listen to any of these bands, I just don't really see why a select few stand out when they're really all the same.

I've listened to some Chelsea Grin, but didn't really like it. The only song of theirs I have is "All Hail the Fallen King". Haven't heard Volumes yet.

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